Voter turnout: 3,487 voters (17.3 percent)
Fee referendum: Fails
No: 1,867
Yes: 1,150
Abstain: 395
Harry Khanna (SV): 1,702
Daniel Watts (TU): 1,293
Abstain: 405
VP Internal:
Janine Dellomes (SV): 2,045
Alicia Coates (TU): 765
Abstain: 312
VP External:
Eddie Herrera (TU): 1,179
Porsia Thomas (SV): 1,104
Matt Corrales: 515
Abstain: 312
VP Finance:
Conrad Ohashi (SV): 1,321
Bryce Murray: 807
April Deibert (TU): 697
Abstain: 402
VP Academic Affairs:
Rabia Paracha (SV): 1,836
Matt Herrick (TU): 830
Abstain: 649
Commissioner of Athletics:
Kari Gohd (SV): 2,348
Abstain: 730
Commissioner of Communications:
Leo Bondar (SV): 1,475
Nicanor Madueno (TU): 906
Abstain: 801
Commissioner of Diversity Affairs:
Marco Murillo (SV): 1,604
Yee Lee (TU): 961
Abstain: 627
Commissioner of Enterprise Operations:
Sydney Goldberg (SV): 1,702
Parris Bass (TU): 1,021
Abstain: 512
Commissioner of Programming:
Di Lam: 2,361
Abstain: 694
Commissioner of Student Services:
Kaveh Cyrus (SV): 928
Elle Maglonzo (TU): 863
Jeffery Jair 788
Abstain 693
Earl Warren College
Warren senior senator:
Michelle Yetter (SV): 305
Sylvia Podpara (TU): 221
Abstain: 140
Warren junior senator:
Daniel Palay (SV): 290
Nick Norton (TU): 235
Abstain: 124
Warren sophomore senator:
Taylor Stuart (TU): 276
Ari Cover (SV): 270
Abstain: 124
Tayna Piyaratanaphipat (SV): 333
Lara Pham (TU): 261
Abstain: 84
VP internal:
Angelica Andreotti (SV): 307
Loius Topper (TU): 267
Abstain: 100
VP external:
Jordan Jozwick (SV): 284
Danielle Donnelly (TU): 253
Abstain: 126
Bryce Gergerson (TU): 275
Arundathi Gururajan (SV): 169
Becky Creekmur: 124
Abstain: 103
Anna Chann (SV): 292
Andrew Gomez (TU): 233
Abstain: 140
Events board chair:
Amanda Graham (SV): 496
Abstain: 153
Events board member at large:
Johnny Davidovics (TU): 393
Abstain: 234
Transfer at large:
Emily Carroll (TU): 251
Amit Gundara (Shady/Aftermath): 134
Hanqing Pan: 73
Abstain: 193
Commuter at large:
Erik Ward (Shady/Aftermath): 231
Joshua Pengson (SV): 170
Stephanie Quan (TU): 156
Abstain: 119
Eleanor Roosevelt College
Roosevelt Senior senator:
Erik Rodriguez-Palacios (SV): 272
Mike Duffy (TU): 105
Abstain: 89
ERC junior senator:
Kerry Kassam: 307
Abstain: 141
ERC sophomore senator:
Alan Roof (SV): 188
Steven Capizzi: 174
Abstain: 106
Council chair:
Michael Shillington: 282
Paul Tchir: 63
Betty Chuong: 53
Abstain: 70
Vice chair:
Tiffany Yu: 351
Abstain: 99
At large representatives (2)
Tu-Trinh Duong: 261
Alistair Bates: 192
Abstain: 137
Sixth College
Sixth Senior Senator:
Fabianne Furman (TU): 163
Veronica Arbuckle (SV): 146
Abstain: 40
Sixth junior senator:
Cindy Li (SV): 164
Michael Sowers (TU): 143
Abstain: 45
Sixth sophomore senator:
John Cressey (SV): 162
Alan Wong (TU): 159
Abstain: 45
Council chair:
Marc Truex (TU): 121
Chris Sholley (SV): 101
Shahin Saneinejad: 84
Abstain: 58
Vice chair internal:
Jenette Loveseth (SV): 203
Kai Xue: 65
Abstain: 73
Vice chair finance:
Benedict Ko: 222
Abstain: 89
Commissioner of public relations:
Kevin Chao (SV): 176
Vivian Lee: 91
Abstain: 55
Commissioner of technology:
Wen Ee: 215
Abstain: 85
Commissioner of records:
Amrit Sareen (WITHDREW): 232
Abstain: 83
Transfer student representative:
Monika Nowak: 189
Abstain: 125
Revelle College
Revelle senior senator:
Ellen Almirol: 275
Nick Hein (TU): 177
Abstain: 131
Revelle junior senator:
Heidi Laidemitt (SV): 335
Michael D. Stockin: 155
Abstain: 106
Revelle sophmore senator:
Sarah Chang: 190
Hovannes Nolbondyon: 138
Kimberly Mullins: 77
Shin-Yong Earl Kang Jr.: 75
Abstain: 126
Council chair:
Emil Achmad: 254
Emma Sandoe: 226
Brad Kohlenberg (TU): 77
Abstain: 59
Vice chair:
Krystal Farthing: 387
Erik Van Esselstyn: 80
Deven Patel: 66
Abstain: 84
Speaker of the assembly:
James Iwaz: 151
Stephanie Chen: 133
Su Jin Chang: 104
Christopher Lim: 90
Abstain: 130
Financial controller:
Zhi Yang Tsun: 476
Abstain: 101
Chair of publicity and campus wide relations:
Nicole Bilsley: 101
Christina Briones: 101
Taylor Debevec: 92
Margaret Chang: 90
Wei-Hao Zheng: 58
Michelle Yoon: 31
Abstain: 133
Chair of electronic communications:
Alan Donald Sopher: 243
Razvan Raicu: 195
Abstain: 151
Revelle organizations committee chair:
Melissa Henry: 434
Abstain: 146
John Muir College
Muir senior senator:
Matthew Bright (Muirtastic): 358
Abstain: 102
Muir junior senator:
Aida Kuzucan: 280
Abstain: 174
Muir sophomore senator:
Meghan Joelle Clair (TU): 258
Abstain: 202
Council chair:
Carissa Krueger (Muirtastic): 222
Mike Hou: 164
Abstain: 90
Vice chair:
Dave Payne (Muirtastic): 361
Abstain: 102
Commissioner of records:
Stephanie Lynne Johnson (Muirtastic): 347
Abstain: 115
Commissioner of public relations:
Betty Kuo (Muirtastic): 341
Abstain: 120
Commissioner of finance:
Stephan Jordan: 286
Abstain: 165
Ambassador of communications and the arts:
Julianne Burns (Kim and Julianne): 336
Abstain: 123
Emissary of college service and programming organizations:
Christine Chang (Muirtastic): 275
Kimberly Tran (Kim and Julianne): 75
Abstain: 120
Thurgood Marshall College
Marshall senior senator:
Adam Gardner: 419
Alicia White: 148
Abstain: 106
Marshall junior senator:
Kyle Samia (SV): 440
Abstain: 148
Marshall sophomore senator:
Chelsea Maxell: 199
Lana Blank (TU): 148
Nichola Hromalik: 100
Maria Yang: 99
Abstain: 129
Council chair:
Neetu Balram: 466
Abstain: 180
Vice chair internal:
Sarah Berlin (S.T.O.M.P.): 475
Abstain: 78
Vice chair finance:
Sapna Iyer (S.T.O.M.P.): 473
Abstain: 181
Director of programming:
Kent Lee (S.T.O.M.P.): 544
Abstain: 126
Director of public relations:
Michael Tang (S.T.O.M.P.): 361
Abigail May (TU): 189
Abstain: 119
Director of communications:
D. Daphne Owen (TU): 411
Abstain: 235
Student at large (2):
Monika Mehta (S.T.O.M.P.): 261
Clare Lyons (TU): 224
Eric Nickerson(S.T.O.M.P.): 206
Steve Chai Pu Sun (TU): 174
Abstain: 148