Instead of opting for trendy sushi or Thai food, check out pho, a hearty rice noodle soup based in beef broth prepared with shrimp, chicken or beef. The Vietnamese restaurant Pho Sao Bien, which opened on the east end of Garnet Avenue last February, is a great place to indulge in this tasty dish. Owner Ha Tan “Johnny” Nguyen adds to the friendly atmosphere by greeting every customer with warm conversation, and if you’ve enjoyed your dinner, you might join the photo wall of other happy, pho-loving customers. The restaurant also offers strong coffee for late-night studying as well as affordable plates of spicy chicken curry, egg rolls and shrimp, steak or chicken pho. Healthy, fresh and a good remedy for hangovers, Nguyen asks Pacific Beach-goers: Got Pho?
-— Kate McElhinney
Staff Writer
Pho Sao Bien
1958 Garnet Ave.
San Diego, CA 92109