Monday, Dec. 20
11:13 a.m.: A nonaffiliate reported the theft of a Palm Pilot PDA from Complex Systems and Cognition Building B. Loss: $423.
3 p.m.: Officers arrested a 31-year-old female nonaffiliate in the VA Hospital parking lot for being drunk in public. Rejected at detox and transported to Las Colinas Jail.
Tuesday, Dec. 21
8:45 a.m.: A staff member reported the theft of a computer from Thornton Hospital. Loss: $600.
4:05 p.m.: Officers arrested a 40-year-old faculty member at UCSD Bookstore for petty theft. Cited and released.
Wednesday, Dec. 22
8:15 a.m.: A student reported a burglary to a black 1999 Honda Accord on Regents Road. Loss: $100.
10:49 a.m.: A student reported a burglary to a green 1998 Nissan Sentra on Regents Road. Loss: $300.
2:26 p.m.: Officers arrested a 48-year-old male staff member at UCSD Bookstore for petty theft. Cited and released.
4:03 p.m.: A staff member reported the theft of currency from Thornton Hospital. Loss: $480.57.
Monday, Dec. 27
9 a.m.: A student reported burglary to a gold 1994 Toyota Corolla on Regents Road. Loss: $460.
11:48 a.m.: A nonaffiliate reported the theft of cash from the Thornton Hospital entrance. Loss: $62.
6:45 p.m.: Officers detained a 28-year-old female student at the police station for being a danger to herself and others. Transported to County Mental Health.
Tuesday, Dec. 28
8:20 a.m.: A 20-year-old female student was reported missing from San Diego. Last seen on Dec. 20 at an unknown time. Subject later returned home.
Wednesday, Dec. 29
8:23 p.m.: Officers detained a 17-year-old female nonaffiliate at the Torrey Pines Glider Port for possession of less than 28.5 grams of marijuana. Released to parent at the police station.
8:23 p.m.: Officers arrested a 19-year-old male nonaffiliate at the Torrey Pines Glider Port for delaying a peace officer. Cited and released.
Friday, Dec. 31
2:44 a.m.: Officers arrested a 40-year-old male nonaffiliate at North Torrey Pines Drive and North Point Drive for driving under the influence of alcohol. Transported to Central Jail.
3:41 p.m.: A student reported burglary to a blue 1994 Nissan Altima in a parking lot on Miramar Street. Loss: $2.
Saturday, Jan. 1
12:06 a.m.: Officers detained a 19-year-old female student at Justice Lane and Voigt Drive for being drunk in public. Transported to detox.
1:38 a.m.: A 19-year-old female student and an 18-year-old female student suffered alcohol poisoning at the Sixth College Residential Halls. Both transported to Thornton Hospital by paramedics.
9:09 a.m.: A staff member reported vandalism at Natural Sciences Building. Loss: $4,000.
Sunday, Jan. 2
12:20 a.m.: Officers detained a 71-year-old male nonaffiliate on La Jolla Village Drive for being a danger to himself and others. Transported to County Mental Health.
— Compiled by Lisa Mak,
Associate News Editor