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A.S. Council At A Glance

Special Presentation

In a special presentation to the A.S. Council, the A.S. Financial Outlook Committee recommended increasing quarterly undergraduate student activity fees by $6.75. Later in the meeting, the A.S. Council approved a general election fee referendum in accordance with the recommendations. A.S. Council President Jenn Brown, Earl Warren College Sophomore Senator Kirsten Bowen, Revelle College Junior Senator Bishoy Said and John Muir College Freshman Senator Nam Bui presented the FOC’s goals, as well as pros and cons of the recommended fee increase.

The FOC recommended using the new fees for potential increases in student organization, media, programming, conference and competition travel, and Student Initiated Outreach and Recruitment Committee funding.


A.S. Council President Brown

Brown announced that she will be attending the unit head meetings in which the Office of Student Affairs will be discussing budget cuts. Brown was concerned that outreach programs are being left out in terms of budget priority.

Commissioner of Programming Jeremy Gallagher

Gallagher reported that the A.S./GSA Co-op Oversight Committee unanimously issued an informal resolution recommending that the UCSD administration drop its recent allegations of misconduct against the Che Cafe.

According to Gallagher, the committee was not presented with any evidence that the Che knowingly provided “”material support or resources”” to the Kurdistan Worker’s Party, a U.S. Department of State-designated terrorist organization, as alleged.

Old Business

Items BB, CC, DD

The A.S. Council will decide by March 7 whether to fill commissioner positions on the A.S. Council by appointment rather than by election. The constitutional amendment, which, if passed by council and then approved by four of the six college councils, would take effect immediately.

Council members debated the issue for over an hour before calling the item to question. Five of the six commissioners present, including Commissioner of Academic Affairs Ernesto Martinez, Commissioner of Communication Navneet Grewal, Commissioner of Diversity David Mitchell, Commissioner of Programming Gabe Grossman, and Commissioner of Services and Enterprises Gallagher, opposed the amendment. Commissioner of Athletics Robin Shelton was the only commissioner in support of the item.

A.S. Council President Brown also voiced opposition to the amendment, arguing, among other things, that the election process helped her and potentially other candidates come to realize all aspects of their office. When Revelle College Sophomore Senator Achim Lyon challenged her argument, Brown interrupted with a question of privilege, denouncing Lyon’s challenge as a personal attack, and was declared out of order by Vice President Internal Kevin Hsu. Brown later apologized for her actions.

Later in the meeting, Thurgood Marshall College Junior Senator Jeff Le introduced an item of immediate consideration that would make the amendment a referendum issue to be decided by students on this year’s general election ballot. The item passed 17-1-1. Hsu said if the A.S. Council votes to approve the amendment on March 7, the referendum will likely be pulled from the ballot in a later meeting.

Item AA

The A.S. Council approved by a vote of 16-1-2 a general election fee referendum for a $6.75 increase in undergraduate student activity fees. Students will vote on the referendum in the upcoming election in spring quarter.


Sapna Mehta was announced as the new Sixth College freshman senator. Mehta replaces Rosario Perez, who resigned last week.

— Compiled by Clayton Worfolk

Senior Staff Writer

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