Special Presentations
Director of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Office Shaun Travers gave a presentation on what it is like to be a member of the LGBT community and urged council members to visit the resource office.
Members of the council participated in an exercise in which Traverse portrayed what it was like to hide their sexuality. The exercise involved standing on one foot.
“”I wish I could have everyone in the world do this,”” said Commissioner of Services and Enterprises Jeremy Paul Gallagher .
After the exercise, Travers welcomed questions. Commissioner of Athletics Robin Shelton raised a question about gay pride parades.
“”I mean no disrespect… but in my own personal opinion I think whatever happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom … I was wondering if you could comment on those displays,”” Shelton said.
Travers responded to Shelton’s question by drawing an analogy to Mardi Gras. He explained that gay pride parades do not represent the “”everyday behavior”” of the majority of the members of the LGBT community.
Travers also answered a question from a member of the public about what student leaders can do to improve the campus climate.Travers said that the best thing to do is “”educate yourself.””
The council recognized the five individuals who have been filling the position of interim freshman senator since the fifth week of spring quarter.
Commissioner of Athletics Robin Shelton
Shelton reported that he was upset with council members for not fulfilling the time slots they committed to at the A.S. Council barbeque on Oct. 14.
Shelton also reported that homecoming is Oct. 20 at 2 p.m., and that Triton Tide attendance has double since last year.
Commissioner of Communications Navneet Grewal
Grewal reported that her office is hosting a.media fair on Library Walk from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Oct. 17. The media fair will feature student media organizations who are seeking to recruit and publicize.
Earl Warren College Senior Senator Lauren Lee
Lee reported that deans at Warren college attended the weekly Warren College Student Council meeting this week to discuss the firings of seven resident advisors.
According to Lee, WCSC is currently working on a resolution in response to the RA firing issue.
Old Business
The University of California Student Association’s action agenda: Passed by consensus.
The appointment of Brandon Blades as Warren college freshman senator: Passed by consensus.
— Compiled by Laura McGann
Associate News Editor