Love at first sight might not necessarily be in the air, but the Guardian Blind Date was trying to at least spark some flames.
She was looking for a tall guy who makes her laugh.
He was looking for someone with a sense of humor who is fun to be around.
Kristen Santerre and Nate Jones were the lucky winners of the Guardian Blind Date contest, and they were just looking to have some fun.
“”I’m really excited, and I think it’s going to be really fun,”” Santerre said before meeting Nate. “”Me and my roommates always watch dating shows like ‘Blind Date’ and ‘Fifth Wheel.’ We’re obsessed with them. And when I saw that there was a blind date, it just sounded like a lot of fun and I never thought I would win.””
On the other hand, Nate had some persuasion to sign up. “”My volleyball buddies signed me up for it,”” Jones laughed. “”I just gave them my information and didn’t expect much. I didn’t think I had a chance.””
After the two met each other for the first time, they were swept off into the limousine idling downstairs and treated to the posh La Jolla restaurant, Forever Fondue, which was voted as the best date restaurant in the Guardian readers poll.
Hours later, they came back and the two seemed to be happy and in a pleasant mood — a good indication that the blind date wasn’t a disaster.
“”The date was great! And he was easy to talk to,”” Santerre said.
Jones also seemed to have enjoyed himself.
“”The date was lots of fun. We went to a good place and we didn’t run out of anything to talk about. One of the worries I had before was that we’d run out of things to talk about, but eventually we talked about sports, movies and whatever we had in common,”” Jones said.
Both agreed that besides the fantastic food, there wasn’t anything exciting, though the date was laid-back.
When asked if they would go on a second date, Jones replied, “”She’s lots of fun, for sure. And she’s a cool girl. I don’t know. We’ll see.””
Santerre replied, “”Yes, I think I would if he asks.””
Nate, go for it, man.