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The Student News Site of University of California - San Diego

The UCSD Guardian

The Student News Site of University of California - San Diego

The UCSD Guardian

The Student News Site of University of California - San Diego

The UCSD Guardian

About Us

Serving thousands of readers in print and online at, The UCSD Guardian is the University of California, San Diego’s award-winning independent student newspaper, published by UCSD students for the UCSD community. Our work seeks to amplify and inform the student body and greater San Diego populace through ethical and accessible journalism. The Guardian’s mission is to facilitate the open marketplace of ideas, foster a climate of community growth, and uphold our editorial values of public accountability, progress, and communication.

We publish every Monday during the regular academic year, with the exception of Summer Sessions, University holidays, and final examinations. The Guardian is a student-run department independently funded by advertising sales. For further advertising inquiries, please email [email protected] or call (858) 534-0466. 

Publishing schedule for the 24-25 year is currently as follows:

2024-25 Editors

Editor-in-Chief | [email protected]
Adalia Luo

Managing Editor | [email protected]
Vivian Dueker


Writing Editors

News Editor[email protected]
Carter Castillo

Associate News Editor
Natalia Montero Acevedo

Opinion Editors | [email protected]
Jordan Nakagawa & Avani Kongetira

Features Editor[email protected]
Miriya Huie

Associate Features Editor 
Abby Offenhauser

Arts & Entertainment Editors [email protected]
Xuan Ly & Jonathan Schlesinger

Lifestyle Editors [email protected]
Samantha Phan & Kelly Loo

Sports Editor[email protected]
Kurt Johnston

Associate Sports Editor
Wyatt Bose


Production Editors

Chief Copy Editor | [email protected]
Kokoro Igawa

Design Editors | [email protected]
Sonia McSwain & Dave Vo


Creative Editors

Photo Editor | [email protected]
Keita Kobayashi

Associate Photo Editor
Thomas Murphy

Art Editors | [email protected] 
Allen Chen & Michelle Deng

Data Visualization Editor | [email protected]
Ifunanya Okoroma

Multimedia Editor | [email protected]
Mehri Sadri

Associate Multimedia Editors 
Alex Reinsch-Goldstein & Julio Canimo


Backend Editors

Webmasters | [email protected]
Thomas Murphy & Seiji Yang

Marketing Director | [email protected]
Daniella Salgado

Advertising Director | [email protected] | (858) 534-0466
Lillian Theis


Editorial Board

The editorial board of The Guardian is the smaller, non-hierarchical, decision-making body of the full editors staff. This board acts and makes decisions in the best interest of The Guardian organization as an entity. As a college newspaper, this board is comprised of individual editors who have elected to serve in this extra capacity, not by position. All major decisions and editorial board publications receive approval from full editors. The positions taken by the editorial board are not necessarily representative of any particular individual member of The Guardian organization.

Adalia Luo

Vivian Dueker

Kokoro Igawa

Carter Castillo


Sonia McSwain

Miriya Huie

Kurt Johnston

Thomas Murphy


Career Staff

Business Manager (858) 534-6845
Vanessa Vasquez

Advertising Graphics
Alfredo Vilano


*Full staff list available upon request, or be viewed here.


Contact Us

The UCSD Guardian’s print and online issues connect you directly with thousands of students, faculty, and staff. Contact us today to discuss your best advertising options or ask questions about our coverage.

Mailing address: 9500 Gilman Drive, 0316 La Jolla, CA 92093-0316

Location Student Center Bldg. A, upper level

Social Media: Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram