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The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Having long made a name for himself in urban vistas, David Fincher’s latest endeavor dashes the nocturnal cityscape in favor of epic rural appeal. Borrowing “Babel” duo Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett for its leading couple, the Orlando-esque voyage (minus the whole transgender thing) blends fact with fiction to showcase the curiously long-lasting life of Mr. Button and his romantic adventures throughout the world’s most idyllic regions. Though replete with a milieu of historical icons and symbolism and a tad more sentimentality than we might expect from a cynic like Fincher, the fresh approach should certainly keep a formalistic edge on anything else in the box office. With many already hailing it his best work to date, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” takes a look back at a man percolated in fantasy only modern cinema could animate. In theaters Dec. 25.

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