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Winter Triton Festival to Be Held on Last Day of Quarter

Despite recent controversy over councilmember absences, 12 seats were empty during the meeting’s first role call, with several members wandering in after the meeting began.

Public input included a request from Revelle College sophomore Steven Perlin for councilmembers to sign a petition that he will present when lobbying Congresswomen Susan Davis in support of America’s relationship with Israel.

Campuswide Senator Anish Bhayani announced he will attend a UCSD Library Committee meeting on March 3 that will provide more information about the fate of CLICS and other campus libraries which are likely to close due to a $3-million cut to the library budget.

Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Penny Rue gave a 40-minute update on UCSD’s budget and campus climate during the first hour of the meeting. She reiterated that having a football team or Division I sports teams are not feasible without a student fee referendum.

AVP of Local Affairs Matthew Vu questioned Rue’s remarks regarding campus climate by bringing up the mass e-mail sent to students with the subject containing the words “penis” and “n*****”. The incident, which Rue called “traumatizing,” has since received national media coverage.

Despite administrative pressures to move Sun God Festival to a Saturday, Rue assured council that she is trying to keep the date on a Friday as per student requests.

AVP of Concerts and Events Brian Wong said “WTF, WTF?” in response to the Winter Triton Festival scheduling issues. The festival will now be held on the last day of Winter Quarter.

Council gave a warm welcome to A.S. Student Fee Advisory Committee representative Mishika Vora, who will serve as a liaison between the two organizations.

Social Sciences Senator Rena Zuabi and Campuswide Senator Elizabeth Elman praised VP of Student Life Kristina Pham for advertising an emotional triggers workshop held by Student Life Office and the Cross Cultural Center.

Warren Senator Kevin Hoang added an item to New Business to give about $300 to the Red Cross Club for an April 15 benefit concert and dance. The motion passed unanimously.

A.S. President Wafa Ben Hassine said council will vote on impeachments during New Business next week, and advised councilmembers to clear any unexcused absences. She also praised the addition of a one-course diversity general education requirement for all six colleges.

Vu questioned the administration’s lack of action for student needs. He cited the privatization of universities as a key example in which administrative needs overshadow student needs which he fears as a possibility for UCSD.

In the final order of business, bacon beat sausage in a narrow but thrilling 11-10 vote (with 8 abstentions) as the side dish for the upcoming A.S. pancake breakfast.

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