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Council Discusses Election Bylaws, Sun God for a Cause

AVP of College Affairs Leonard Bobbitt was excited to announce that every week a new college council will be visiting, starting with Muir College this week.

“Please be nice to them and show them that we can be nice people when we like to be,” he said.

AVP of Academic Affairs Mac Zilber announced that there is a new policy stating that if a student is accused of academic misconduct, the student can now drop the class before the professor takes actions against you. 

However, this blessing in disguise will not prevent administrative actions from being taken against the accused student.

Engineering Senator Parminder Sandhu reminded council that his Engineering-on-a-stick event is scheduled for Thursday of Week 10. As if anyone has had an opportunity to forget.

Councilmember of the Week is AVP of Student Organizations Pauline Nuth. She was unaware that a celebratory strut is expected, but VP of Student Life Meredith Madnick was able to catch her and send her down the runway.

President Alyssa Wing announced her Diversity Dinner event. However, at $17 per plate and expected attendance around 40 students, council debated whether or not to fund the event.

“I understand that the event should be more formal [than other events], but we’ve had conversations about saving money and allowing more projects to reach more students,” Sandhu said.

The event’s funding was ultimately passed with the condition that Wing and her office will look into less expensive catering options.

A.S. Judicial Board members criticized new election bylaws implemented this year in a special presentation showing the unconstitutionality of Section 5.5.

“It worries me that this is coming out on the eve of an election,” Bobbitt said. “It puts A.S. in an uncomfortable situation and it puts [the Judicial] Board in an uncomfortable situation.”

However, since the candidate-filing period has officially begun, no changes can be made to bylaws.

“I want to ask us to table [these changes] until after the election since nothing can be done right now, and also to tone down the hostility, particularly on the side of A.S. Council,” VP of External Affairs Samer Naji said.

Madnick and VP of Finance and Resources Kevin Hoang announced the creation of Sun God for a Cause. When students pick up their Sun God wristbands, they can opt to donate a dollar to VH1’s Save the Music foundation. 

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