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The Guardian would like to praise the A.S. Council for its role in putting on Friday’s Sun God Festival. Not only was the concert a huge success, the day as a whole was full of entertainment and excitement for everyone at UCSD.

For the first time all year, the campus joined together and participated in events that were enjoyable for everyone. With that said, the Guardian feels that the A.S. Council should make the days of FallFest and WinterFest similar to that of Sun God to promote student life on the campus on two other occasions during the year.

Now that the A.S. budget calls for increased funding for FallFest and WinterFest, the Guardian feels that the A.S. Council should spend a portion of this money on hiring outside entertainment vendors, such as the owners of the rubber boxing gloves and the jousting arena.

In addition, the advent of these games would make it appropriate for student organizations to set up their own booths for selling food, drinks and other services.

The Guardian recommends making FallFest and WinterFest all-day events because everyone involved stands to benefit. Students would have two more days during the year to experience the excitement and the energy that Sun God brings. Student organizations would benefit monetarily because they would be able to sell food to the general public, while at the same time being able to inform the student body about what their group does. Also, the administration would prosper knowing it would have two more ways to market the school to prospective students.

Although many students do not enjoy the music played during Sun God concerts, at the very least, most students would appreciate the chance to buy better, authentic, home-made food on campus.

As with Sun God, the students of UCSD would look forward to both FallFest and WinterFest all year long. Although implementing these events might require hiring additional security, a portion of the extra money allocated by A.S. President Jeff Dodge in the 2001-2002 budget could be used for this purpose. The extra $1,000 that it would cost to make WinterFest and FallFest full-day events would not dramatically change the quality of the acts that the A.S. festivals committee would get. It would, however, dramatically change the quality of each day as a whole.

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