9:21 a.m.: A student reported theft of a blue and black Motiv Smoothie mountain bike from a bike rack at Gilman Drive and Russell Lane LOSS: $175.
3:03 p.m.: Staff member reported tampering to a gold 1991 Toyota Camry at an unknown location. LOSS: UNKNOWN.
Wednesday, Sept. 17
8:20 a.m.: Staff member reported vandalism to a gray 1999 Honda Civic in Lot 104. LOSS: 100.
10:40 a.m.: Officers reported a university vehicle string a pole near Fireside Lounge. [WHAT?]
4:50 p.m.: Officers reported a tree branch falling on a vehicle in Lot 017.
Thursday, Sept. 18
12:43 p.m.: A 29-year-old male nonaffiliate suffered an allergic reaction after being stung by a bee at Canyonview Pool. TRANSPORTED TO SCRIPPS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BY PARAMEDICS.
2:29 p.m.: A staff member reported the theft of a portable stereo from the Main Gym. LOSS: $300.
3:00 p.m.: A student reported the theft of a blue and tan Raleigh B7 bicycle from the south side of the Thurgood Marshall College Provost’s Office. LOSS: $270.
1:52 a.m.: Officers arrested a 36-year-old female nonaffiliate at La Jolla Village Drive and the I-5 for driving under the influence of alcohol. TRANSPORTED TO LAS COLINAS.
11:53 p.m.: Officers arrested 18-year-old male nonaffiliate at Scholars Drive and Weiss Lane for being a minor in possession of alcohol and being an unlicensed driver. CITED AND RELEASED.
11:55 p.m.: Officers detained a 20-year-old male nonaffiliate in Lot 102 for being drunk in public. TRANSPORTED TO DETOX.
3:46 a.m.: Admin per se issued to a 20-year-old male nonaffiliate at La Jolla Village Drive at I-5 for driving with a BAC of .01 or greater. VEHICLE IMPOUNDED AND STORED AT STAR TOWING.
Saturday, Sept. 20
2:25 p.m.: A student reported a burglary at the John Muir College Apartments. LOSS: $250.
11:15 p.m.: Officers detained a 17-year-old male nonaffliate at 100 Regents Road for curfew violation. RELEASED TO PARENT.
11:45 p.m. Student reported burglary at Galathea Hall. LOSS: $1,799.