t Jacob Ray warms up the group with his acoustic performance. Gauri Swarup | The UCSD GuardianAmphitheatre lit up for the opening act. Gauri Swarup | The UCSD GuardianJacob Ray on his ballad of the night. Ellie Wang | The UCSD GuardianParavi silhouette at the amphitheater. Ellie Wang | The UCSD GuardianJacob Ray takes the stage as an opener for the night. Ellie Wang | The UCSD GuardianParavi shines on the UCSD Amphitheatre stage. Gauri Swarup | The UCSD GuardianParavi smiles at audience after an opening song. Gauri Swarup | The UCSD GuardianJacob Ray mystifies audience with acoustic solo performance. Gauri Swarup | The UCSD Guardian
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