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COVID-19: UCSD Students React to the Coronavirus

COVID-19: UCSD Students React to the Coronavirus

This article is a part of our news series on the COVID-19 pandemic. For information on how to prevent the spread of the virus, click here.

Following the announcement that UC San Diego’s Spring Quarter classes would be held online due to the global Coronavirus outbreak, many tritons were left wondering what they could do, if anything, to prevent the spread of the virus and to protect themselves.

We asked students to respond to the question: “Have you changed anything about your daily campus routine in response to the coronavirus? If yes, what have you changed, and if no, why not?” Below are their responses.

Manyi Leung, Eleanor Roosevelt College Junior

I try to touch my face less and wash my hands for longer. I think about buying non perishables more often in case of a lockdown. I carry hand sanitizer and clean my hands after shaking hands with others. I also feel like I have to hold in my cough because I’m asian and I feel like people will scoot away from me.

Geena Roberts, Sixth College Senior

I put on hand sanitizer more, I clean desk spaces before putting my stuff down, sanitize my phone more often, and no longer hug friends.

Luis Alba, John Muir College Junior

Working for a community center, we see many students, faculty, and UCSD guests entering and holding space. In response to the coronavirus and to make sure our community is safe and aware, we have provided pamphlets with a quick debrief of the coronavirus with proper health tips. We have also increased the sanitation of usable spaces and posted signs reminding the community on healthy tips.

Marco Siu, Junior

Nothing has changed. The virus feeds off hysteria when it is incredibly preventable and treatable.

Pankhuri Kohli, Thurgood Marshall College Junior

I wash my hands more and I wash them for 20 seconds. Other than that I haven’t done much because I’m not sure how to find out actual information about the virus/precautions without getting caught up in the fear mongering going on.

Natalie Tran, Eleanor Roosevelt College Junior

I myself have not changed anything about my routine, but my routine has changed because of other people’s actions in response to the coronavirus (i.e. the decision to cancel class). I have not changed my routine because the virus does not seem to be an immediate threat to me.

Brianna Lucia Lehane, Eleanor Roosevelt College Senior

I sing the chorus to Africa by Toto twice when I wash my hands now.

Kevin Chen, Thurgood Marshall College Senior

I’ve considered alternatives to Geisel, avoid taking the trolley to school, washing hands after public transportation use (going to school, previously only did this coming home), stayed at home when possible or left for home if earlier is possible.

Daniel Gomez, Sixth College Sophomore

No. My immune system is too powerful. Also, the flu is deadlier.

Alex Rickard, Earl Warren College Senior

My class is scheduled to meet via Zoom rather than in person. This has disrupted our project group due to us planning to meet in class so we have to come up with an alternate plan.

Beth Kushner, Roger Revelle College Senior

I wash my hands for 20 seconds. I use hand sanitizer upon entering and leaving the library. I try not to stand in groups of people or sit close to them in Geisel. Also trying not to touch surfaces. It’s going really well lol. I know that young, healthy individuals are not in much danger; but I’m sure that there are many immunocompromised students/faculty at UCSD that we need to think of too. We all must do our part. It is a privilege to not be worried about COVID-19.

Photo by Brendan Wilson for the UCSD Guardian.

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