Associated Students presented 162 written reports to allocate $145,130.69 in funds to a multitude of student organizations on Wednesday, October 2. With that many specific allocations granted to 57 organizations, the numbers as presented on the public meeting notice can get a little confusing. That being said, if you’re interested in getting the lowdown on the finances without wasting three hours of your time, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Multicultural Greek Council $13,818.48
- Allocation of $9000 from Programming Funds to Multicultural Greek Council Summerfest
- Allocation of $3000 from Programming Funds to Multicultural Greek Council Fraternity and Sorority Life Conference
- Allocation of $1818.48 from Programming Funds to Multicultural Greek Council MGC Info Night
Alpha Chi Omega $7,133.19
- Allocation of $675 from Programming Funds to Alpha Chi Omega Domestic Violence Awareness Tabling
- Allocation of $675 from Programming Funds to Alpha Chi Omega Fries with Alpha Chi, Domestic Violence Awareness tabling
- Allocation of $4683.19 from Programming Funds to Alpha Chi Omega The More You Know with AXO, Philanthropic Game show with Domestic Violence Awareness
- Allocation of $1100 from Programming Funds to Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Chi Omega Philanthropy
Deejays and Vinylphiles Club $5,678.14
- Allocation of $1798.29 from Programming Funds to Deejays and Vinylphiles Club Something Nasty
- Allocation of $3879.85 from Programming Funds to Deejays and Vinylphiles Club Something Spooky
Interfraternity Council UCSD $5406.11
- Allocation of $5406.11 from Programming Funds to Interfraternity Council UCSD IFC Fall Recruitment Info Night 2019 (Greek Garden)
SangamSD $5,229.67
- Allocation of $1028.17 from Programming Funds to SangamSD Fall GBM
- Allocation of $3924.38 from Programming Funds to SangamSD Annual Raas Garba
- Allocation of $277.12 from Programming Funds to SangamSD Samosa Social
Indian Student Association $5,094.02
- Allocation of $4683.01 from Programming Funds to Indian Student Association Diwali 2019
- Allocation of $411.01 from Programming Funds to Indian Student Association Welcome Back Dinner
Kappa Kappa Gamma $4640
- Allocation of $4640 from Programming Funds to Kappa Kappa Gamma Kappa Karnival
Speech and Debate at the University of California: San Diego $4,430
- Allocation of $145 from Programming Funds to Speech and Debate at the University of California: San Diego Mills Invitational at Palomar College
- Allocation of $670 from Programming Funds to at the University of California: San Diego Speech and Debate Aztec Invitational at SDSU
- Allocation of $2325 from Programming Funds to Speech and Debate at the University of California: San Diego Crossman Invitational at El Camino College
- Allocation of $1290 from Programming Funds to Speech and Debate at the University of California: San Diego Fall at the Beach Invitational at CSU Long Beach
Panhellenic Association $3,980
- Allocation of $1100 from Programming Funds to Panhellenic Association Panhellenic Info Night
- Allocation of $2880 from Programming Funds to Panhellenic Association Panhellenic Info Night
Association for Computing Machinery $4,032.93
- Allocation of $1620.15 from Programming Funds to Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Fall 2019 GBM
- Allocation of $326.82 from Programming Funds to Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Coffee with Intuit
- Allocation of $110.42 from Programming Funds to Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Pool and Ping Pong
- Allocation of $199.06 from Programming Funds to Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Hack School – Node.js
- Allocation of $110.42 from Programming Funds to Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Pool and Ping Pong
- Allocation of $395.34 from Programming Funds to Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) First Year Survival Guide
- Allocation of $189.06 from Programming Funds to Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Hack School – Databases
- 84.Allocation of $230.13 from Programming Funds to Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Resume Critique Workshop
- Allocation of $371.51 from Programming Funds to Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Setting Up Your Coding Environment Workshop
- Allocation of $189.06 from Programming Funds to Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Hack School – APIs
- Allocation of $290.96 from Programming Funds to Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Networking / Interview Workshop

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers $3,6771.9
- Allocation of $217.33 from Programming Funds to Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE Staff Member Meeting #1
- Allocation of $337.78 from Programming Funds to Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Pumpkin Carving
- Allocation of $1459.08 from Programming Funds to Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE Fall GBM
- Allocation of $659.08 from Programming Funds to Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE Day 2019
- Allocation of $1003.92 from Programming Funds to Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE Fall Career Preparation Event
Health and Medical Professions Preparation Program $3,556.61
- Allocation of $3495.60 from Programming Funds to Health and Medical Professions Preparation Program (HMP3) HMP3 Pre-Health Fair
- Allocation of $61.01 from Programming Funds to Health and Medical Professions Preparation Program (HMP3) Fall GBM
Triton Engineering Student Council $3,427.26
- Allocation of $3046.04 from Programming Funds to Triton Engineering Student Council Engineers on the Green
- Allocation of $381.22 from Programming Funds to Triton Engineering Student Council TESC GBM
Delta Sigma Pi $2,966.26
- Allocation of $1272.03 from Programming Funds to Delta Sigma Pi Information Night
- Allocation of $742.92 from Programming Funds to Delta Sigma Pi Social Night
- Allocation of $951.31 from Programming Funds to Delta Sigma Pi Professional Night
Phi Delta Epsilon $2,564.90
- Allocation of $1603.47 from Programming Funds to Phi Delta Epsilon Fall ’19 Info Night
- Allocation of $61.43 from Programming Funds to Phi Delta Epsilon Fall ’19 Philanthropy Night
- Allocation of $900 from Programming Funds to Phi Delta Epsilon Fall ’19 Speed Meeting
Biological Sciences Student Association $2,114.53
- Allocation of $191.59 from Programming Funds to Biological Sciences Student Association Trivia Night
- Allocation of $1075.01 from Programming Funds to Biological Sciences Student Association Fall GBM
- Allocation of $409.38 from Programming Funds to Biological Sciences Student Association Professor Student Mixer
- Allocation of $104.35 from Programming Funds to Biological Sciences Student Association Freshman Opportunities
- Allocation of $122.83 from Programming Funds to Biological Sciences Student Association Racing through UCSD: Scavenger Hunt
- Allocation of $211.37 from Programming Funds to Biological Sciences Student Association Mentor-Mentee Mixer
Chinese Union $1947.98
- Allocation of $1947.98 from Programming Funds to Chinese Union General Body Meeting
American Chemical Society Student Association $1892.68
- Allocation of $400.62 from Programming Funds to American Chemical Society Student Affiliates (ACSSA) Week 1 GBM Fall
- Allocation of $345.41 from Programming Funds to American Chemical Society Student Affiliates (ACSSA) Week 2 GBM Fall
- Allocation of $400.62 from Programming Funds to American Chemical Society Student Affiliates (ACSSA) Week 3 GBM Fall
- Allocation of $345.41 from Programming Funds to American Chemical Society Student Affiliates (ACSSA) Week 4 GBM
- Allocation of $400.62 from Programming Funds to American Chemical Society Student Affiliates (ACSSA) week 5 GBM
Alpha Epsilon Delta Pre-Health Professional Honor Society $1,799.95
- Allocation of $448.74 from Programming Funds to Alpha Epsilon Delta Pre-Health Professional Honor Society AED GBM 1: How to obtain Research Opportunities at UCSD
- Allocation of $448.74 from Programming Funds to Alpha Epsilon Delta Pre-Health Professional Honor Society AED GBM 2: Mentorship Night
- Allocation of $314.63 from Programming Funds to Alpha Epsilon Delta Pre-Health Professional Honor Society CPR/BLS x AED Officer Speed Dating
- Allocation of $587.84 from Programming Funds to Alpha Epsilon Delta Pre-Health Professional Honor Society Information Night
Catholic Student Community $1798.98
- Allocation of $1798.98 from Programming Funds to Catholic Student Community (CSC) Welcome Mass
Triton Gaming $1,726
- Allocation of $542.94 from Programming Funds to Triton Gaming Fall GBM
- Allocation of $1183.06 from Programming Funds to Triton Gaming Division Showcase 2019
Muslim Student Association $1,668.56
- Allocation of $440.01 from Programming Funds to Muslim Student Association Welcome Week Brunch
- Allocation of $440.23 from Programming Funds to Muslim Student Association Dinner with the Chaplin
- Allocation of $358.66 from Programming Funds to Muslim Student Association New Student Mixer
- Allocation of $429.66 from Programming Funds to Muslim Student Association MSA GBM College Day
Business Council $1642.40
- Allocation of $1642.40 from Programming Funds to Business Council Meet The Orgs
Biomedical Engineering Society $1,601.6
- Allocation of $100 from Programming Funds to Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) BMES General Body Meeting #1
- Allocation of $47.38 from Programming Funds to Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) First Translational Medicine Day Event Planning Committee
- Allocation of $63.90 from Programming Funds to Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) First Outreach Committee Meeting
- Allocation of $620 from Programming Funds to Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) BMES Mentorship Program Reveal
- Allocation of $77.60 from Programming Funds to Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) First Bioengineering Day Event Planning Committee Meeting
- Allocation of $85 from Programming Funds to Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) First Project Team Committee Meeting
- Allocation of $43.65 from Programming Funds to Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) First Lab Expo Planning Committee Meeting
- Allocation of $564.07 from Programming Funds to Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Freshman/Transfer Orientation Mixer
Medical, Educational Missions and Outreach $1,597.69
- Allocation of $1096.95 from Programming Funds to MEMO Fall GBM #1
- Allocation of $250 from Programming Funds to M.E.M.O. at UCSD MEMO Alumni Mixer
- Allocation of $250.74 from Programming Funds to M.E.M.O. at UCSD M.E.M.O. Board Game Night
Redeemer’s Grace Church $1419.13
- Allocation of $600 from Programming Funds to Eat with RGC
- Allocation of $273.30 from Programming Funds to Redeemer’s Grace Church Doubt Night
- Allocation of $291.30 from Programming Funds to Redeemer’s Grace Church Doubt Night
- Allocation of $254.53 from Programming Funds to Redeemer’s Grace Church RGC Basketball Tournament
Cognitive Science Student Association $1401.30
- Allocation of $171.70 from Programming Funds to Cognitive Science Student Association Resume Workshop
- Allocation of $129.60 from Programming Funds to Cognitive Science Student Association Class Introduction
- Allocation of $1100 from Programming Funds to Cognitive Science Student Association CSSA First GBM
Triton A Cappella Community $1276.75
- Allocation of $1276.75 from Programming Funds to Triton A Cappella Community A Cappella Wants You!
American Institute of Chemical Engineers $1,249.91
- Allocation of $349.80 from Programming Funds to AIChE Career 101 Workshop
- Allocation of $85.00 from Programming Funds to American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Freshman/Transfer Mixer
- Allocation of $367.06 from Programming Funds to American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) GBM#1
- Allocation of $70.92 from Programming Funds to American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) AIChE FamilE Preparing Event
- Allocation of $377.13 from Programming Funds to from Programming Funds to American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) AIChE Projects Welcome Night
RISHI UCSD $1,179.41
- Allocation of $209.32 from Programming Funds to Project RISHI UCSD
- Allocation of $177.67 from Programming Funds to Project RISHI UCSD Project RISHI GBM #2
- Allocation of $792.42 from Programming Funds to Project RISHI UCSD Project RISHI Food For Thought
Asian and Pacific Islander Student Alliance $1,163.74
- Allocation of $180 from Programming Funds to Asian and Pacific Islander Student Alliance (APSA) GBM 3
- Allocation of $180 from Programming Funds to Asian and Pacific Islander Student Alliance (APSA) GBM 4
- Allocation of $155 from Programming Funds to Asian and Pacific Islander Student Alliance (APSA) GBM 5
- Allocation of $79.98 from Programming Funds to Asian and Pacific Islander Student Alliance (APSA) Mxntor Training
- Allocation of $105.38 from Programming Funds to Asian and Pacific Islander Student Alliance (APSA) APSA Ice Cream Social
- Allocation of $383.40 from Programming Funds to Asian and Pacific Islander Student Alliance (APSA) APSA (Dis)Orientation
- Allocation of $79.98 from Programming Funds to Asian and Pacific Islander Student Alliance Mxntor Training
Navigators $1,044.83
- Allocation of $864.98 from Programming Funds to Navigators NavNight
- Allocation of $179.85 from Programming Funds to Navigators Nav Freshmen Launch

Pre-Pharmacy Society $927.38
- Allocation of $194.24 from Programming Funds to Pre-Pharmacy Society (PPS) Meet the Board Game Night
- Allocation of $348.84 from Programming Funds to Pre-Pharmacy Society (PPS) Why Pharmacy GBM
- Allocation of $141.42 from Programming Funds to Pre-Pharmacy Society (PPS) 4 Year Plan Workshop
- Allocation of $148.50 from Programming Funds to Pre-Pharmacy Society (PPS) Experience Fair
- Allocation of $94.38 from Programming Funds to Pre-Pharmacy Society (PPS) Worker’s Appreciation Card Making
Lumnus Consulting $845
- Allocation of $845 from Programming Funds to Lumnus Consulting Recruitment – Info Night
Undergraduate Mathematics Students $819.34
- Allocation of $184.46 from Programming Funds to Society of Undergraduate Mathematics Students (SUMS) Board Game Night
- Allocation of $634.88 from Programming Funds to Society of Undergraduate Mathematics Students (SUMS) Fall GBM
Multi-Asian Student Association $719.05
- Allocation of $130.27 from Programming Funds to Multi-Asian Student Association MASA does Zumba
- Allocation of $81.49 from Programming Funds to Multi-Asian Student Association MASA Speed Friending
- Allocation of $75 from Programming Funds to Multi-Asian Student Association MASA Pre-Quarter Social
- Allocation of $205.84 from Programming Funds to Multi-Asian Student Association Boba Taste Test
- Allocation of $155.03 from Programming Funds to Multi-Asian Student Association Fall Festival
- Allocation of $71.42 from Programming Funds to Multi-Asian Student Association MASA’s Running Man event
Sigma Chi Fraternity $620
- Allocation of $620 from Programming Funds to Sigma Chi Fraternity Sigma Chi Career Summit
Pakistani Student Association $530.32
- Allocation of $194.33 from Programming Funds to Pakistani Student Association Ice Cream Social
- Allocation of $141.66 from Programming Funds to Pakistani Student Association Movie Night
- Allocation of $194.33 from Programming Funds to Pakistani Student Association Study Social
Quidditch $512.64
- Allocation of $179.27 from Programming Funds to Quidditch Halloween Movie Night
- Allocation of $174.99 from Programming Funds to Quidditch GBM
- Allocation of $158.38 from Programming Funds to Quidditch Study Session
Tau Kappa Epsilon $486.63
- Allocation of $161.63 from Programming Funds to Tau Kappa Epsilon: Pizza, Pool & Pong with TKE
- Allocation of $325 from Programming Funds to Tau Kappa Epsilon Meet the Tekes
4Corners Christian Fellowship at UCSD $400
- Allocation of $400 from Programming Funds to 4Corners Christian Fellowship at UCSD 4Corners New Student Welcome Night
Triton XR $396.30
- Allocation of $396.30 from Programming Funds to Triton XR Fall GBM
Students for Justice in Palestine $360
- Allocation of $180 from Programming Funds to Students for Justice in Palestine SJP FALL GBM #1
- Allocation of $180 from Programming Funds to Students for Justice in Palestine SJP FALL GBM #2
International Health Collective $335.92
- Allocation of $335.92 from Programming Funds to International Health Collective GBM
Insight Pre-Optometry $325.82
- Allocation of $153.44 from Programming Funds to Insight Pre-Optometry GBM
- Allocation of $113.40 from Programming Funds to Insight Pre-Optometry Western University Presentation
- Allocation of $58.98 from Programming Funds to Insight Pre-Optometry Insight Study Jam
Phi Sigma Pi $323.35
- Allocation of $92.76 from Programming Funds to Phi Sigma Pi Info Session
- Allocation of $111.08 from Programming Funds to Phi Sigma Pi Info Session
- Allocation of $119.51 from Programming Funds to Phi Sigma Pi Scholarship Event
Microtomes $319.29
- Allocation of $50 from Programming Funds to Microtomes Donut Board Game Social
- Allocation of $31.42 from Programming Funds to Microtomes GBM
- Allocation of $74.19 from Programming Funds to Microtomes Grantathon Info session 1
- Allocation of $58.98 from Programming Funds to Microtomes Grantathon Info session 2
- Allocation of $66 from Programming Funds to Microtomes Workshop: How to Read a Paper
- Allocation of $38.70 from Programming Funds to Microtomes Workshop: GBM 2
Japanese Student Association UCSD $300
- Allocation of $300 from Programming Funds to Japanese Student Association UCSD JSA Fall GBM #1
Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics $283.60
- Allocation of $65.76 from Programming Funds to Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM) FA19 Quoffee Study Time 1
- Allocation of $65.76 from Programming Funds to Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM) FA19 Quoffee Study Time 2
- Allocation of $152.08 from Programming Funds to Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM) GBM 2: Industry Mixer
United Taiwanese Association $263.11
- Allocation of $263.11 from Programming Funds to United Taiwanese Association GBM
Chancellor’s Scholars Alliance $192.88
- Allocation of $109.48 from Programming Funds to Chancellor’s Scholars Alliance CSA Game Night
- Allocation of $83.40 from Programming Funds to Chancellor’s Scholars Alliance CSA Scavenger Hunt
Planned Parenthood Generation Action at UCSD $185.66
- Allocation of $92.83 from Programming Funds to Planned Parenthood Generation Action at UCSD PPGA GBM #1: Info Game Night
- Allocation of $92.83 from Programming Funds to Planned Parenthood Generation Action at UCSD PPGA GBM #2: Birth Control
Daughters of Triton $180.98
- Allocation of $180.98 from Programming Funds to Daughters of Triton Fall 2019 Auditions
Students for Global Health $180
- Allocation of $180 from Programming Funds to Students for Global Health Students for Global Health GBM 1
Undies for Oldies: Geriatrics Education and Medicine $157.50
- Allocation of $157.50 from Programming Funds to Undies for Oldies: Geriatrics Education and Medicine GBM 1
SENDforC San Diego $150
- Allocation of $150 from Programming Funds to SENDforC San Diego SENDforC Fall GBM #1
Health Care Frontiers $61.01
- Allocation of $61.01 from Programming Funds to Health Care Frontiers Pre-Med Panel