After months of debate, UC San Diego Transportation Services announced a revised weekend parking program to begin later in Fall Quarter on September 4. The program updates a number of parking rules and regulations, most notably removing the once universally free weekend parking standard.

While a number of updates and modifications have been made, several key changes to parking at UCSD to be rolled out throughout the upcoming year are highlighted below:
Weekend Parking
A weekend parking rate of $1.50 per hour will be implemented in most lots. Rates will be capped after the fourth hour. No rate changes will occur for lots P002, P003, and patient parking. Weekend charges will only apply to individuals who do not have parking permits. Current permit and virtual one-day passes are valid in all A, B, S and V spaces on weekends. Lot P782 will be free on Saturdays and Sundays, and it will be served by the Weekend Shuttle.
D permits ($195 per quarter and $4 per day) will be implemented to offer parking at P703, P704, and P705, which are now designated as D lots. The permit also allows overflow to P782 and P386. Central campus S permits are capped at 900 for single-occupancy vehicles and 250 for carpoolers, visitors, and contractors who park in closed loopholes.
First-year commuters are only allowed to purchase daily parking, as well as night, weekend, and motorcycle permits. Weekday evening parking has also been cut in half. However, every student is eligible to receive ten complimentary weekend parking days in the form of a virtual one-day pass each quarter by registering online. Carpool parking is being encouraged by Transportation Services — in addition to having more carpool parking spaces at Hopkins, Transportation Services will also grant carpool participants access to central campus parking.
These changes come after a summer of debate between students and UCSD Transportation Services. Following a virtual town hall on weekend parking, UCSD Transportation Services announced that weekend parking rates would be charged. One heavily criticised proposal was a rate of $5 a day for drivers without a permit and a $5 evening parking fee after 5 p.m.
After student backlash to the announcement culminating in a petition against weekend parking rates opened by UCSD College Democrats President Jacob Faust, which garnered over 10,000 signatures, UCSD Transportation Services opened up voting on four parking fee alternatives. This resulted in alternative B becoming the new standard, being favored by students at a rate of two to one, with over 1,200 voicing feedback during the voting period.
Sign our petition to fight back against these decisions:
— UCSD College Democrats (@UCSDDems) June 24, 2019
In a June 28 statement, UCSD Transportation Services explained their reasoning behind making the shift from free weekend parking to a charged parking plan in the first place.
“Revenue from weekend parking would help cover some of the costs associated with much-needed new parking facilities,” the statement reads. “It would also ensure that those who park on campus during the week don’t see parking fees increase any more than necessary.”
While most parking changes begin at the beginning of Fall Quarter 2019, the new weekend parking changes will be implemented beginning on November 2, 2019. Organizations with previously scheduled events on the weekend of November 2 or after can contact Transportation Service to confer about the paid parking.
Photo courtesy of UC San Diego.
Article updated on October 2 to accurately reflect the number central S-permit parking spaces, the types of permits first year students are eligible to purchase, the price for patient parking, as well as changes to weekend parking rates.
Mimi • Oct 2, 2019 at 11:53 am
I think the date in paragraph 1 should say November 4 instead of September 4?
John Keller • Oct 12, 2019 at 10:20 pm
I think that’s the date when the revised weekend program was announced.