New Business
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Greetings, Tritons.
This week, Co-Station Managers of Triton Television Alexa Rocero and Jake Cushnir held a presentation to A.S. Council requesting money to be allocated for their budget in order to open more paid positions. Currently, each position’s stipend is $50 per week. Opening new positions would add $40 per individual every week, which would sum up to $4,000 weekly.
In terms of future goals for Triton TV, Cushnir said that they are hoping for an hour slot to be split up into several different sectors.
“I’m only a sophomore, and I have a lot of ideas for where to take Triton TV,” Cushnir said. “A more structured environment would help across the board — we produce a lot of good results, but a lot of the times things don’t get done because we are stretching ourselves.”
A.S. Council tabled a conversation about amendment C1, which would create new class councils.
AVP Student Advocacy Ryan Huyler said that the proposal provides the council with more structure.
“It’s more relatable if you have a class council because people of the same class can identify with certain issues that college councils necessarily might not be able to,” Huyler said. “I think the changes are for the better.”
During question time, Council discussed actions following the Transportation Referendum, the current status of the Che Cafe and the state of the Sun God Festival 2015.
ASUCSD MOVES Director Kyle Heiskala talked about the implementation of the passed Transportation Referendum and how, due to the redesigning of the identification cards, there is no longer any room for serial numbers to be placed on student ID cards. Therefore, they are debating on whether to implement stickers or a transportation identification card.
Heiskala explained that, ideally, he would like to have one sticker per year for the transportation system; however, due to the fact that students pay on a quarterly basis, the San Diego Metropolitan Transit Center will center the payments on a quarterly rate as well. Currently, Heiskala is leaning toward the second campus card.
Campuswide Senator Brandon Kim explained shortly after that the Che Cafe is currently in a limbo status and will continue to operate until University Centers shuts it down.
“[The Che Cafe] lost its nonprofit status; however, they will have that reinstated next month,” Kim said. “For now, it will continue to operate in that space without any funding allocated from University Centers, and, should they decide that improvement is absolutely necessary, they will have to come and close it down.”
When Council touched on the subject of the Sun God Festival, A.S. President Robby Boparai said that all discussion of the festival has been halted by the university for 30 days, and no decision regarding future festivals will be made until Fall Quarter 2014.
May the victims of the tragic Santa Barbara shootings rest in peace. No words can describe the deplorable actions that occurred last week, and I send my support and condolences to the family and friends of the seven individuals whose lives were so selfishly taken away from them.