New Business
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As I walked into the A.S. Council meeting, Director of Student Conduct Ben White was hosting a special presentation regarding the Student Conduct Code and how cases will be handled at Sun God Festival this year.
There will be a no-guest policy for the Village and I-House and a no-host policy for all residential colleges. Also, if a student is dismissed for highly egregious acts like selling drugs on campus, sexual assault and so forth, they may be excluded from Sun God Festival the following year. For egregious seniors, their degree may be delayed or suspended for a quarter. UCSD also has the ability to exercise off-campus jurisdiction if any high level, egregious acts do occur beyond its borders.
Members of the Coalition for Critical Asian-American Studies presented an open letter resolution to A.S. Council in order to hold the Council accountable for the multiple promises the Council made to their communities.
CCAAS Member Irving Ling explained his reasoning for speaking to the Council.
“One of the reasons we’re here is because I don’t want something to happen on this campus that will [negatively] impact students that will force us to take action,” Ling said. “We want accountability from this Council and from the next Council.
Ethnic Studies major Nicholas W. requested that A.S. Council review the statistics and pass the resolution.
“Why is it that our stories continue to be silenced?” he said. “How does it feel to know that I have to learn about the white majority history, but no one has to learn about my history?”
The resolution passed unanimously 24-0-0.
The meeting then moved to the bylaw changes that Social Sciences Senator Colin King presented to create “super slates” for College Councils and A.S. elections, and whether or not members who run for separate councils should have the ability to support each other during elections.
Engineering Senator Jerry Narez commented on his former experiences with super slates.
“I ran in a super slate and I didn’t like it,” Narez said. “I’m really in favor of making sure that colleges run for colleges and A.S. runs for A.S.”
King compared disallowing slates from endorsing each other to an A.S. Council dictatorship.
“We do not dictate the college councils for what they do,” King said. “I think that it’s really irresponsible on our part if we make an overarching rule and dictate free speech.”
Eleanor Roosevelt Senator Kris Klein believed that passing this amendment limits students’ ability to express their opinions.
“Elections are about ideas, and when you’re wearing material from another slate, it’s about expressing support for those ideas that you have in common,” Klein said. “Limiting the ability for those individuals is not an accurate depiction of what’s going on.”
The amendment was tabled indefinitely with a vote of 14-7-1.
This year’s A.S. Council had its last meeting as councilmembers, and next week, there’ll be a whole new crowd of faces to remember. Despite the fact I just started writing this column last month, I’ll be one of the “most experienced” people in the room!