Dear Editor:
My name is Niall Twohig. I was recently interviewed by Justine Liang for the Feb. 13 piece on the May 1970 Peace Memorial.
I would like to submit the following letter in response to the opinion piece “Fighting Fire”:
I was disheartened to see the article about the May 1970 Peace Memorial appearing in the same issue as the opinion piece, “Fighting Fire.” The author hijacks the word “peace” to criminalize two student activists before their cases have been tried in court. This logic of “guilty until proven innocent” is an old line of reasoning used from witch hunts to racial profiling. History shows us that this logic is just as incendiary as fire. It equates suspicion with guilt. It bleeds student activists of their deep histories and desires and misrepresents them as “irresponsible” criminals.
— Niall Twohig
Ph.D. Candidate, Literature