And thus began my coincidental, often accidental, ascent up the Guardian hierarchy, a career path that has somehow dominated my life despite my frequent efforts to interject my future with thoughts of law school, cinematography and now, teaching. But during the tense editorial meetings and my bumbling attempts at running the Opinion section, I kept thinking about my first application and how much I just wanted to write about television.
In the end, I had my opportunity: This is my fourth column (two Opinion columns and two A&E ones), and I’ve written about more television shows than I’ve ever wanted to in my entire life. In fact, my early columns date so far back that I discovered at one point I actually liked “The Walking Dead.” Imagine that.
I would have been a bad Hiatus editor (cheers, Arielle, Ren, Andrew and Jacey) — my utter lack of music knowledge has spawned some truly terrible quotes, including “What is a Solange Knowles?” … For that matter, what is a Dita Von Tease?
From the members of the Hiatus staff, I learned about contemporary art, vagina-themed rap music and how to keep your cool while interviewing Channing Tatum. I got to write about my very favorite television shows, including “Arrested Development” (returning May 4), “Game of Thrones” (March 30) and “Breaking Bad” (July 15), with minimal interruption from the very busy Hiatus editors.
I was very lucky to have this sort of artistic liberty, and I’m clearly testing its limits (sorry, Jacey) by making this entire column about me and not television.
Before I lose my soapbox for good, though, here are some television-related statements that are plaguing my mind right now.
Boy, I really like the new “Game of Thrones” dragon campaign that everybody on Reddit called stupid when it first came out.
When I watched the reality show “Survivor” for the first time yesterday, I was struck by how high school drama still plagues the islands of the South Pacific. And later, I realized how I’m 20 years behind in this realization. Jennifer Lawrence’s Oscar trip was very endearing — I wonder if she engineered it to seem more down-to-earth (literally).
I wonder if I can join a Minecraft Hunger Games server in the near future.
It’s been fun, Hiatus. I’m sorry I was never able to tell the difference between the names of the album and the names of the artists in your music reviews. I’m sorry I never once read a theatre review. However, I’m not sorry my set of “Avengers” descriptions made a girl so mad on Tumblr that she was driven to type in caps lock.