A Sun God lineup that includes names that we actually recognize.
A.S. funding has understandably taken a blow over the last few years, but not all good musical acts are too expensive to book. We’d like this year’s Sun God Festival to exhibit a range of more interesting artists in favor of mid-level starpower (less weak one-hit rappers and inexplicable early-2000s emo bands).
Improved logo or better yet, we wish we didn’t have to be wishing about a logo.
The new UC logo spawned a student backlash unseen since…never. Tears were shed. Feelings were hurt. Either the UC needs to stop trying so hard to be “hip” in designing its next logo, or people just need to stop throwing hissy fits about things that don’t really matter.
No more jizzing in food and soap dispensers.
Far too many UCSD Confessions revealed strategic and frankly appalling hiding spots for human semen (including guacamole at Goody’s and soap dispensers in Price Center). Regardless of the factuality of these confessions, we think it’s a reasonable request to ask that we never have to worry about our food or sanitation tools containing any bodily fluids. Seriously.
More 24-hour places on campus.
The inconvenient thing about pulling all-nighters is the glaring fact that you still need to eat. We’ve gained serious, albeit small, headway last year with Geisel finally opening a 24-hour study space. Now all we’re missing is a convenient spot to grab coffee and a sandwich at any hour of the night. We wish UCSD had a Denny’s Fresh Express like CSU San Bernardino.
Modest tuition hikes.
UC students scored a big victory when Prop. 30 passed in November, effectively blocking a $2400 spike in tuition costs this year. However, with the state budget forecasting more cuts to education, future hikes are inevitable. We hate to see any sort of fee increases in 2013, but if costs do go up, we hope the increases are minimal and do not affect the ability of many students to afford a UC education.
Better dining hall food.
Every UCSD student looks forward to Triton Day — and not just because they get to adopt worthier-than-thou attitudes toward the newbies. Once parents and prospective students enter a five-mile radius of campus, all dining halls scurry to hide the questionable “pho” and bring out the gourmet New York steaks. If only every day was like Triton Day.
No more “mullet clothing.”
The mullet clothing trend started in festivals and somehow spread to infect women’s everyday wardrobes. You know what it is: those skirts and dresses that look like an elegant floor-length, until you realize that the entire front of the skirt is missing. You think, maybe it got caught in a door, or maybe that girl can’t afford a complete skirt — but really it is just a dumb trend that we hope will die in the same manner that Crocs were ostracized.
No more Lip Dub.
Dozens of student organizations (including The Guardian) were humiliated for several hours last Spring when they were asked to participate in A.S. Council’s promotional “Lip Dub” event. Not only was the finished product embarrassing (to say the least), but a parody version of Katy Perry’s “TGIF” rhymed “Planning for Hullaballoo” with “Shooting hoops with Penny Rue.” We hope 2013 is as Lip Dub-free as possible.
To not have to pay for unpaid internships.
With fewer jobs comes more competition, making internships completed during college increasingly important. The problem is that many students cannot afford to pay for expensive summer units in order to work for credit. Getting school credit during the school year is admittedly more feasible, but not everyone has the privilege of spending 10-20 hours a week working for free.
Jobs for us when we graduate.
Many of us will be graduating in 2013, and with youth unemployment rates at a dire 11.5%, it’s a shaky time to be entering the job market. While it might be nice to chill at mom and dad’s house for six months after graduation, losing opportunities to hone skills needed for future jobs could cost graduates a great future entirely. We’d like to see Washington focus more on creating jobs, and less on the national debt in 2013.
A catchy song that’s not “Call Me Maybe.”
Yes, “Call Me Maybe” brought a slew of delightful YouTube videos, memes and group-singing at parties, but it is time to move on. “Gangnam Style” would have been a good substitute except that most people can’t pronounce the lyrics.
People to be informed while following social movements.
Between the short-lived KONY 2012 fiasco and the UC logo uproar, 2012 somehow became the year of the misguided hacktivist. The internet offers a rare opportunity for worldwide dialogue and mobilization, so this year let’s not squander that resource on half-baked bandwagoning and trendy propaganda.
Higher turnouts at athletic events. And more free giveaways.
Regardless of what side you took in the Division I debate last year, it’s undeniable that the athletes on our campus put in hours upon hours of hard work to compete for our school. We should reward them by filling out the stands during games. The Athletic Department should host more Spirit Night-type events and have more UCSD “swag” giveaways to foster larger crowds at athletic games.
A.S. Council to be more accountable for how it spends its money.
A.S. slashed student org funding from $500 to $100 over the course of one year. Although A.S. has stopped spending an entire year’s worth of tuition on the printing of single magazine issues, it still has a way to go before digging itself out of debt.
Greek housing and more fun at UCSD in general.
Greek housing is not an outlandish request — it is actually absurd that we don’t have something so fundamental to the college experience. This will lead to more fun on campus because suddenly it won’t feel like such a disjointed ghost town (thanks, six-college system).
Replace Cafe Roma with another coffee place.
Cafe Roma serves you exactly what you brew up in your dorm microwave, except next to a lovely set of wooden tables. Rumor has it that it is on the way out, so we hope for a Starbucks or a Peet’s Coffee — or really anything with quality control.
More love for our co-ops.
Soon, Price Center will open a salon. While convenient for those unwilling to step foot off campus for a haircut, the prospect of building a social community around a giant shopping mall is a bit dismal, particularly considering the poor financial condition of our beloved co-ops.
Last but not least, more reader feedback for The Guardian.
As you may have noticed, we’ve been making a lot of changes to The Guardian, both in terms of the content and visuals. For example, we started a new section, Weekend, and redesigned the front page. While we’re happy with the direction the paper is going, we always want more feedback from our readers. Let us know what you think of these changes and more by emailing [email protected].