A revised UCSD student conduct code has been ratified after nearly three years of deliberations. However, some members of A.S. Council do not feel that these revisions address the concerns that the previous council had about the conduct code.
This year’s councilmembers are also concerned that the changes were made effective Sept. 15, but that students were not notified until Sept. 27. Associate Vice President of Student Advocacy Courtney Hill brought this delay of notification to the attention of the A.S. Council during its Oct. 3 meeting. She also informed council that this code was not approved by Chancellor Pradeep K. Khosla, but instead by former Chancellor Marye Anne Fox during one of her last days in office in July.
Council nearly unanimously approved a resolution brought forth by Hill that expressed disapproval of the actions taken by university officials in administering the new conduct code and asked for corrections of these oversights during its meeting on Oct. 10. The resolution requested that Chancellor Khosla be allowed to review and approve the code himself, and that university officials provide an explanation for the delay in notification and have an administrative review of the code with council representatives over the parts of the code they find unsettling.
Last year’s council saw a final draft of the conduct code in the spring of 2012 and passed a resolution in opposition on April 18. This year’s council shares concerns with last year’s council over what they see as vague language that can be used to prevent students from conducting demonstrative peaceful protests.
A.S. President Meggie Le commended the efforts that went into writing this new code and acknowledged the necessity of a new code. But Le also asserted unease about vagueness in the language of the code that could lead to an abuse of power.
“There is one clause that extremely worries me, specifically citing ‘disruptive activity incompatible with the orderly operation of the campus,’” Le said. “This would prevent students from protesting on behalf of student interests as well as supporting workers if they protest.”
Vice President of External Affairs Olamide Noah believes that the new code has a huge implication for the future of student activism at UCSD.
“Activism is deeply rooted in UCSD’s history, and it would be a shame to see our students punished for using their agency,” Noah said. “A.S [Council] acknowledges that the Conduct Code needs revisions, but the changes made to the conduct code will have resounding effects on our students whether we are aware of the changes or not.”