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Guest Commentary: A.S. Should Take a More Direct Role in Students’ Lives

A couple of the initiatives I have for this upcoming year surround transportation and external affairs.

In the midst of a transportation budget deficit, it is the job of the Associated Students to work in students’ interests and protect the services we hold so dear. When students are late to class because a shuttle — which had been filled to capacity by the time it reached their stop — was unable to stop for them, it is completely unacceptable. We are students and it is our job to learn. When the quality of services prevents us from doing so, it is neither fair nor acceptable by any stretch of the imagination. My first action as A.S. President will be to initiate conversations with the Transportation Director to see what steps we, as a university, can take to protect the shuttles, S spots and MTS passes. Student services like transportation should be kept free — they should never be things we’re required to pay extra for.

Another focus I have for the upcoming year is external affairs. The other executive officers and I see the importance of establishing a lasting relationship with local and state government officials. These relationships link with any initiative students want to see pass. Whether it’s Greek housing or the prevention of fee hikes, local and state government officials have influence and can help us achieve our goals. We only need to show them that students have power as well; we can get them into office and we can just as easily get them out.

With a council filled of members of different slates, I really want to work on inner-council relations so that we can get past slate politics and work together to make a positive impact for students. I promise that the other executive officers and I will do our best to see this through.

I am excited to start working with the new chancellor and establishing a new dynamic in students’ relationship with the administration. The other executives and I will make sure this year is an unforgettable year. We promise to serve you and push A.S. into a direction that hasn’t been seen before. A.S. is going to do big things next year and I have so much faith in this council and our campus to make real change.

I know I wouldn’t be here without the love and support of all my friends and family as well as the students who voted for me. Thank you to all the voters who have put their faith in me. Thank you for this opportunity to lead our university and I promise that this year’s A.S. council will not let you down.

I hope that you all are as excited to be a part of history in the making as I am. This is the dawn of a new age and we promise to leave a legacy all students can be proud of.

Gratefully yours,

Meggie Le

A.S.UCSD President-Elect 2012

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