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Council Passes Budget in Record Time of Just Over An Hour

Before the business of the budget commenced, AVP of External Affairs Samer Naji introduced the issue of a pilot online program initiated by the UC Regents. Besides the more-obvious problems of learning the material online instead of from an instructor, A.S. President Alyssa Wing also mentioned issues regarding grading and curving classes with UC students and community college students both enrolled and the fact that UC student fees will go towards funding these programs.

“Keep yourselves in the know about these pilot programs,” she warned.

Then, the meeting progressed to a much lighter topic.

“[Now, it is time for] everyone’s favorite time of the meeting — at least I know it’s the Guardian’s favorite — Council Member of the Week,” Vice President of Student Life Meredith Madnick said. What can we say, Madnick, you caught us.

We actually just wish that we would be as awesome as AVP of Academic Affairs Mac Zilber was this last week so that we might also wear that bright blue glittery sash someday.

Then, council progressed onto the dreaded budget.

The new event Hullabaloo raised some issues with the budget they were allocated. Originally, the event was given $60,000. After giving Hullabaloo the unused First Fall funding, this easily became $60,500. However, AVP of Concerts and Events Oliver Zhang pushed to make this amount $65,000.

“I’ve already had people ask me if this new thing is going to suck this year,” Campus-wide Senator Matthew Bradbury said. “I think if there is one thing that we are going to tip the scales with, it should be Hullabaloo.”

This extra $5,000 was just too much for the council. When this did not pass, Madnick switched the request for an additional $5,000 to $2,000.

“It’s going to be a kick-ass event regardless, but the $2,000 will be helpful in ensuring that we don’t go over budget,” Zhang said.

Perhaps what council needed was a little perspective.

“I just want to put this into perspective,” Wing said, “$2,000 out of a $3.1 million budget is 0.0006 percent, so we are arguing over a minuscule amount [of money]. This $2,000 isn’t going to make it or
break it.”
Perfect timing as always, Wing. Eventually, Hullabaloo got $62,500.
The External Affairs office put in a request for a contingency fund. They had requested it last year, and since Hullabaloo got their money, they were upset that they had not been given theirs. After reviewing the rest of the budget, this was also passed.
Before 8 p.m., the entire budget was passed. This brought about a round of applause and pats on the back. Job well done.
“Thank you all for making this really easy,” Vice President of Finances and Resources Kevin Hoang said.
With those cheers, the council left the forum for Porter’s Pub. You deserve it, A.S. Council.

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