During public input, Vice President External of the Muslim Student Association Eyad Alnaslah asked council to show support for recent discrimination against Muslim students. Islam Awareness Week is next week and fliers have been defaced or torn down. The MSA have received hate e-mails, phone calls and text messages. One MSA member resigned because of threatening phone calls and text messages.
Sixth College Senator Parminder Sandhu stepped up during public input to talk about Relay for Life, which starts April 16. He was reprimanded by Council Speaker Meredith Madnick for not waiting until open forum to address the issue.
Sixth College Senator Kristian Castro gave a presentation about the campaign for the California D.R.E.A.M. Act, which gives qualifying undocumented students the chance to receive the financial aid they already contribute through tuition. The campaign is sending postcards to state government, and the campus’s goal is to send 1,000 postcards.
Warren College Senator Kevin Hoang was at a campus budget meeting, which CLICS is likely to close due to budget cuts.
AVP of Athletic Recreations Pauline Nuth said she is reinstating the basketball game prize cards, which means more opportunities for free swag.
AVP of Concerts and Events Brian Wong said the first Bear Garden of the quarter is this Friday at Matthews Quad. VP of Finance and Resources Andrew Ang said Triton Outfitters will debut in an “awesome blue tent” at the event.
Campuswide Senator Anish Bhayani gave a presentation on a possible $92 quarterly fee for using sports facilities, such as Canyon View Pool. He also presented the changes he wanted to make to the or the Athletics Recreation and Sports Facilities Advisory Board charter. The current charter, which is not yet approved by council but has been by the Graduate Student Association, changes the name of the advisory board and the percentage of students on the board to 80 percent. Bhayani feels that student control on the board is inadequate because they do not have the final vote, the director of Sports Facilities only considers board’s input.
The cast of the Vagina Monologues requested $400 from council. The amount was heavily debated, because the event has had a set budget of $4,500 since the beginning of the school year. President Wafa Ben Hassine said it was irresponsible for them to go over the budget. Most of council agreed and thus, did not provide additional funds.
This week’s meeting felt like it was two hours longer than it actually was. It ended on a slightly somber note with a message from Ben Hassine, who urged council to support Islam Awareness Week.
AVP of College Affairs Leonard Bobbitt lifted councilmembers’ spirits in the end, by demonstrating his ability to lick his neck.