Friday, April 2
1:19 a.m.: Citizen contact
? An unknown subject was seen “ripping off signs” at the Village Building 1. Field interview administered.
1:54 a.m.: Burglary
? Three males were seen “carrying items” out of Hubbs Hall after entering through a broken window.
7:40 p.m.: Party disturbance
? Ten to 15 female students were reported as “getting ready for a party” loudly at the Sixth College apartments. Will cooperate.
11:02 p.m.: Suicide attempt
? A female student threatened to “jump off [the balcony] and kill herself” after being locked out of her residence at Oceania Hall.
11:04 p.m.: Battery
? A student was reported as “punching a security guard twice” at the Loft in Price Center East.
Saturday, April 3
11:11 p.m.: Fight disturbance
? Two males in their late 20s, wearing hooded sweatshirts, were seen fighting at the San Diego Miramar Apartments.
Sunday, April 4
1:24 a.m.: Fight disturbance
? A “large group” was seen fighting at the Gilman Parking Structure.
4:07 p.m.: Injury
? A 26-year-old male reported having “leg pain” after falling down a flight of stairs at the Engineering Building Unit 3.
11:28 p.m.: Lost property
? A foreigner “flying out on [Monday]” reported losing a brown leather bag containing her passport at Cafe Ventanas.
Monday, April 5
12:12 a.m.: Medical aid
? A male was reported as having a possible concussion after hitting his head on the wall “purposefully.”
10:39 a.m.: Chemical spill
? Unknown chemicals were reported as spilled on the floor at the Stein Clinical Research Building as a result of an earthquake.
Tuesday, April 6
2:46 a.m.: Incomplete call
? A child’s voice was heard over the phone saying, “Help me, help me” before the call disconnected. Referred to other agency.
6:45 p.m.: Hazard situation
? Three white males were reported as smoking cigarettes at Allen Field, a possible “fire hazard.” Gone on arrival.
10:22 p.m.: Kidnapping
? A male was seen chasing a white female, dragging her into the backseat of a mid-size vehicle, and driving towards a dead end as she screamed, “Rape.”
Wednesday, April 7
11:03 a.m.: Possession of marijuana
? An Asian male and white male were seen smoking marijuana outside Geisel library. Unable to locate.
Thursday, April 8
8:41 a.m.: Drunk in public
? A 40-year-old intoxicated white male with “soiled pants” was reported as repeatedly “ringing the doorbell” of the Stein Clinical Research Building. Unable to locate.
2:49 p.m.: Grand theft
? A student “wearing a sleep-study watch worth $1,000” was reported as missing after failing to show up to the second study session at the UCSD School of Medicine.
10:39 p.m.: Possession of marijuana
? Four to five males “dressed in suits” were seen “smoking marijuana cigarettes” at the Visual Arts Building.