Dear Editor,
I was reading the April 1, 2010 Guardian article “Board Passes Housing, Dining Fee Increases,” and I was a little disappointed and confused about the information given. Overall, I thought it was a well-written and clear article, but I was quoted as saying that I believe UCSD’s housing rates are the lowest in comparison to all of the other UC campuses.
The next line of the article then said that UCSD is actually the third cheapest UC campus behind UC Merced and UC Riverside. Perplexed, I visited both UC Merced and UC Riverside’s Web sites and found that the on-campus housing cost at UC Merced is $12,801 for the 2010-11 academic year; UC Riverside costs $11,600. According to UCSD’s Web site, our estimated cost for next year is $11,527. Relying solely on the information provided on the schools’ Web sites, it seems that both UC Merced and UC Riverside are actually more expensive than UCSD, so I was a little confused as to why the article said they were cheaper.
—Daniella Shulman
Committee Representative,
Housing, Dining and Hospitality