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Yes Man

Yes Man” is a Jim Carrey movie. We all know what that means: one mediocre man can’t seem to rise from the tedium of day-to-day life. Carl Allen’s epiphany is made at a self-help seminar that delivers his answer in one simple word: Yes. What the Debbie Downer once would have refused, he now enthusiastically pursues bungee jumping, responding to spam, drinking Red Bull for the first time, learning Korean and capering on like a college boy who has nothing better to do but snort hot sauce up his nose. Never complete without a way-too-good leading lady, Carey’s latest dud finds twu wuv in the form of Zooey Deschanel, oh so attracted to his newfound, happy-go-lucky charm. Needless to say, there is likely an adorable dog, a scooter and two wisecracking friends in the mix.

Somewhere along the way, Carl has too much of a good thing, goes through Yes crisis, and must learn his limitations. Once he returns to a slightly more average-man lifestyle, Carl gets the girl, and all are returned to their sunny, bouncing smiles once more. Cliche, sure — but with a tired-and true funfest, it’s hard to say no. In theaters Dec. 19.

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