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Student Group Advocates Concealed Weapons

Dear Editor:

Guardian senior staff writer Hadley Mendoza’s Feb. 24
article “Students Should Say Farewell, Not Hello, to Arms” exhibits a
disconcerting lack of understanding of the aim and purpose of organizations
like Students for Concealed Carry on Campus.

SCCC simply proposes allowing the same trained, licensed
individuals, ages 21 and above, currently permitted in 39 states to carry
concealed handguns in virtually all other unsecured locations (anywhere without
metal detectors), to carry concealed handguns on college campuses. Why should
anyone assume that the same individuals who, on a daily basis, carry concealed
handguns without incident at office buildings, movie theaters, grocery stores,
shopping malls, churches, banks, etc., would show any less discretion or sound
judgment while carrying concealed handguns on college campuses?

Contrary to Mendoza’s
claims, nobody suggests allowing all students to carry guns. In most “right to
carry” states, the rate of “concealed carry” is about 1 percent. That means
that only one person out of 100 is licensed to carry a concealed handgun. That
fact alone negates Mendoza’s
comments about filling lecture halls with “well-meaning, gun-toting” students.

argument that allowing concealed carry on college campuses might lead to an
increase in suicides is also without merit. Japan
has a suicide rate that is more than double the U.S.
rate, despite Japan’s
virtual prohibition on the civilian ownership of firearms. Clearly, the
availability of guns is not the determining factor in whether a person will
commit suicide. None of the schools in Utah,
Colorado or Virginia
that currently allow concealed carry on campus have experienced any resulting
suicides. In fact, after allowing concealed carry on campus for a combined
total of more than 60 semesters, none of these schools have seen any resulting
incidents of gun violence, gun accidents or gun thefts.

Nobody is suggesting
that allowing concealed carry on campus is a panacea or magic bullet that will
stop violence on college campuses. SCCC simply proposes that it is one of many
steps that can be taken to mitigate school violence. Reaction and prevention
are not mutually exclusive. Allowing concealed carry on college campuses would
take the advantage away from dangerous criminals who have no regard for school
policy or state law.

— W. Scott Lewis

Media Coordinator,

Students for Concealed Carry on Campus

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