Friday, May 11
2:16 a.m.: Suspicious person
An older male transient in a straw hat was reported as using the computer lab in Engineering Building 3B. The reporter said that he had not asked the man to leave, but merely wanted officers to be aware of his presence.
11:26 a.m.: Medical aid
An 18-year-old male fainted in an Eleanor Roosevelt College laundry room.
3:52 p.m.: Skateboard stop
Seven elementary-school students were described as skating “”all over”” Price Center. Gone on arrival.
7:49 p.m.: Fire
A trash can outside Mesa Verde Hall was set on fire. The reporter claimed to not know how the blaze had started.
Saturday, May 12
1:34 a.m.: Discharging a firearm
A reporter on Regents Road heard what sounded like five gunshots. Checks OK.
Sunday, May 13
10:33 a.m.: Trespass
Six white males played Frisbee on the roof of the Leichtag Biomedical Research Building. Will cooperate.
12:16 p.m.: Preserve the peace
Geisel Library staff members requested assistance in banning a subject from the library for a year.
12:55 p.m.: Reckless driving
A dark-green Toyota Tacoma was reported doing donuts at the Glider Port. Unable to locate.
Monday, May 14
5:04 p.m.: General disturbance
A reporter called officers when a 14-year-old white male was seen trick skating through Warren Mall. Verbal warning issued.
8:14 p.m.: Suspicious person
Three or four people were seen going in and out of the bushes in a parking lot at Rebecca and John Moores Cancer Center.
10:42 p.m.: Psychiatric disturbance
A white male in his 20s caused an unspecified disturbance outside Shiley Eye Center. Field interview administered.
Tuesday, May 15
2:06 a.m.: Suspicious person
A white male in his 50s stared at females as they passed by on Library Walk. Field interview administered.
6:30 p.m.: Welfare check
A male called officers to check on his girlfriend, who suddenly disconnected during a telephone call as she walked to Revelle College. He said he heard a male voice on the other end of the line ask her for a cigarette, and she then called the reporter’s name in distress and hung up the phone. Canceled before dispatch.
Wednesday, May 16
12:07 a.m.: Noise disturbance
Students in Earth Hall South were reported as “”blowing up”” a water bottle. A resident adviser asked them to stop, but the sound began again five minutes later.
10:19 a.m.: Suspicious package
A suspicious black briefcase was discovered in Lot 608. Checks OK.
11:42 a.m.: Report of vandalism
An unknown subject threw a brick through a window in Revelle Lab Building 1000. Report after pursuit.
8:42 p.m.: Suspicious person
Two men in a tan Ford truck parked behind an apartment on Regents Road and stayed there for more than three hours.
11:55 p.m.: Vandalism
Officers apprehended a suspect from a staircase in Mandeville Center. Arrest misdemeanor.