“”Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters”” is an action-adventure epic that centers on the origins of Aqua Teens Meatwad (Dave Willis), Frylock (Carey Means) and Master Shake (Dana Snyder), as well as the introduction of the fourth teen, Insane-o-Flex, an immortal piece of exercise equipment that threatens the balance of galactic peace.
Produced with a mere $750,000 budget, the Force’s film debut will open in a little over 800 theaters nationwide – only one-fourth as many as a regular motion picture. Nonetheless, Snyder (who voices of Master Shake) has high aspirations for the film.
“”It is the smallest largest film ever made,”” said Snyder in an interview with the Guardian. “”I hope it will make $700 to $800 domestically and up to $1,000 worldwide. I hope [people] will come together and learn to love, laugh and live all together for the first time.””
According to Snyder, the film’s audio was recorded two years ago and was animated afterward. Unlike the television series – in which each actor records his lines separately – filming the movie required the group to convene for the first time.
Most of the other cast members live in Atlanta, while Snyder resides in Los Angeles.
“”It was interesting doing it all together,”” he said. “”It was actually more disturbing to see everyone doing the voices at the same time because I am not used to seeing the other [actors].””
Still, Snyder recognized the cast’s great chemistry. “”They are all really fun,”” he said of the other actors. “”You couldn’t ask for a better group of people.””
In addition, voicing the movie took significantly longer than the show. Rather than one-hour working periods, the actors contributed four. This extra time with his character has apparently brought them very close: “”He is probably the most important character to grace the screen: silver or television,”” Snyder said. “”I can relate to him too much because he gets to do all the stuff I really shouldn’t do. I get all my aggressions out.””
Apart from the original actors, “”Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters”” will feature several guest stars. Chris Kattan, Tina Fey and Fred Armisen from “”Saturday Night Live,”” H. Jon Benjamin and Jon Glazer from “”Freakshow”” and Rush drummer Neil Peart make cameos in the movie. In addition, the soundtrack contains original music from Mastodon, Killer Mike and Unearth.
From all this, the man behind our favorite milkshake draws quite the conclusion: “”It will be face-meltingly awesome and quite possibly the greatest motion picture that has ever graced the planet,”” he said. “”People should go see this movie because it is quite possibly the most important film of our time. In this day and age, we need it now more than ever.””
Snyder is currently working on side projects outside of “”Aqua Teen Hunger Force.”” He is starring in Adult Swim’s first live action show, “”Saul of the Mole Man,”” and is doing a “”college tour action-packed comedy multimedia extravaganza.”” Reports of his upcoming work and personal information can be found on his official Web site, eyeofthesnider.com.