“”Every aspect is a challenge … [It] starts with finding space for the college. We also have to build it from scratch. We have nothing to build upon, which is a challenge but also exciting.””
— Gabriele Wienhausen,
Sixth College provost
“”Long-awaited new college opens at UCSD””
Sept. 24, 2002
“”Our students’ generation came of age one year ago, when they saw 19 terrorists take the lives of thousands of innocent people.””
— Robert C. Dynes,
“”UCSD community remembers 9/11″”
Sept. 24, 2002
“”The UC Berkeley campus resides within the town of Berkeley, which is what San Francisco would be if it were geographically smaller and further from the ocean, had more crime and a greater homeless-to-homeowner ratio, overcrowded housing next to dirty parks, regular riots, and drug addicts roaming the streets. Berkeley is like a tiny San Francisco on crack.””
— Daniel Watts
“”Grade A or rancid?””
Sept. 24, 2002
“”Bums are entertaining. Fights are entertaining. Therefore, bums getting in fights must be entertaining.””
— Josh Crouse
“”Bumfights video not illegal””
Sept. 30, 2002
“”Here is the text Ratcliff objected to, in its entirety: http://www.farc-ep.org. Have I just committed a federal crime?””
— Ed Wu
“”Che ‘terrorism’ controversy raises free speech issues””
Oct. 3, 2002
“”What’s left, then?”” you ask. “”Do you write to attract the ladies?””
— Bryce Warwick
“”Columnist not interested in the money or the fame””
Oct. 3, 2002
“”The relationship that we have is very different than that of anyone on the court. There’s this comfort level that you get with very few other people in your life where you know that there’s no line that you can’t cross.””
— Jennie Wilson,
UCSD women’s volleyball
“”Sister act leads Tritons””
Oct. 3, 2002
“”California is like a dream for me — the sun is always shining. There aren’t campuses like this in Paris; there is no place for them. It’s all so great, what can I say?””
— Matthias Colas,
French exchange student
“”The international experience””
Oct. 7, 2002
“”Now, because of the 10-minute passing period, I am forced to stare at the ground in fear that I will recognize anyone that will result in a conversation, making me late for class. People are even more unsocial.””
— Cliff McEnery,
Thurgood Marshall College junior “”Pressed for time””
Oct. 7, 2002
“”I don’t think it was indecent exposure; I wasn’t acting sexual. As long as it does no harm to anyone physically, we should be able to dress up … as whoever … we want to be on Halloween.””
— Jonathon Mariano
“”Student bears all for Halloween””
Nov. 4, 2002
“”The words ‘The White House’ on my resume are definitely an eye-catcher … No matter how intimidating my current boss may be, he sure isn’t the president.””
–Oliver Kaplan,
UCDC participant
“”The nation’s capital
through student eyes””
Nov. 12, 2002
“”I’m the kind of person who faces up to my mistakes.””
— Quincy Troupe
“”Troupe resigns from UCSD””
Dec. 4, 2002
“”Which is worse: someone shoving foreign objects around your teeth, or around your vagina?””
–Carrie Elizabeth Sklar “”Dentists, move over: Gynecologists are the pits””
Jan. 6, 2003
“”This military endeavor is costing more than human life. It is costing human freedom.””
— Jessica Lingel
“”Civil liberties should not be sacrificed”” Jan. 9, 2003
“”Watching a man shop for groceries is a lot like watching a chicken run around with its head cut off. Okay, that wasn’t fair. Obviously a headless chicken would actually be able to shop for groceries in a more orderly and efficient fashion.””
— Carrie Elizabeth Sklar
“”‘Hunters’ are lost in grocery stores””
Jan. 21, 2003
“”Raiders fans don’t go to college, they go to reform school.””
— Ian Fleming,
La Jolla resident
“”Super Bowl brings NFC champions to UCSD””
Jan. 23, 2003
“”My entire entertainment diet does not consist of movies that make up for plot and character development with tight asses and big fires. No sir. That would be like a person who survived entirely off of chocolate or bonbons.””
— Anne Cong-Huyen,
“”Something is rotten in the state of the film industry””
Jan. 23, 2003
“”Inside my head, next to the brain cells that are still pissed about my experimental drug years, is a long laundry list titled ‘Things I Hate.’ ‘High School Reunion’ is right below Avril Lavigne and above the new Queens of the Stone Age CD that everyone’s been telling me about.””
— Bertrand Fan,
“”Cable TV reaches an all new low””
Jan. 30, 2003
“”It’s easy to point out the negatives of sex, but when you point out the positives of sex, people get uncomfortable.””
–Paul Stravinksy,
TMC dean
“”Thurgood Marshall College gets sexual””
Feb. 10, 2003
“”Right now [we are] acting like a team that is still trying to figure out whether they are good or not.””
— Dan O’Brien,
UCSD baseball
“”UCSD loses three in homestand”” Feb. 10, 2003
“”We ask that our leaders act in a responsible manner and that they choose war as the last option. However, if they do, we must support our friends and family as they fight for our freedom, our liberty, and our pursuit of happiness.””
— Phil Palisoul,
TMC senior
“”College Republicans host annual Pro-America Rally””
Feb. 10, 2003
“”Though we all scream for ice cream, a student cannot live on fudge alone.””
— Claire J. Vannette, “”Appetizing alternatives duke it out for Price Center space””
Feb. 10, 2003
“”How can one ignore an itemized list of the vulva’s anatomy when it’s bulleted with little coffee cup icons?””
— Robert Spencer,
“”Your guide to a great Valentine’s Day, guaranteed””
Feb. 13, 2003
“”I think it’s fair to say that all of us here on this campus are affected by this tragedy. We are all deeply saddened by the loss of someone so young and so bright.””
— Patricia Mahaffey,
“”Muir student remembered by UCSD community””
Feb. 13, 2003
“”I guess you could say it was a mismanagement.””
— Donald Povieng,
Warren College Student Council president
“”Warren Council to freeze spending””
Feb. 13, 2003
“”I guess I just like it here in San Diego.””
— Tiger Woods, professional golfer “”La Jolla, Torrey Pines please Tour”” Feb. 18, 2003
“”Of course I’m scared. No one wants to go to war and die. But we knew what we signed up for, and I’ve been psyching myself up for this.””
— Sam Ahn, Earl Warren College sophmore “”Students in reserves called out of school””
March 3, 2003
“”Run free while you can, little politicians. Run free! For the next two weeks, there are no rules.””
— Daniel Watts, “”Election reform is
March 3, 2003
“”Terrible things are going on that are not to be ignored. There are millions of other ways to absolve our problems with Iraq, and until these ways are tried, war shouldn’t be the way to go.””
— Monica Cuoco, “”Lysistrata Project protests war in Iraq””
March 6, 2003
“”I remember watching Mr. Rogers almost everyday … You almost think of him like someone who would always be around.””
–Sonny Huynh “”Children’s television friend leaves profound mark””
March 10, 2003
“”I’m not sure what the intention of the other Kevin Hsu was in running, but I’m hoping that it’s legitimate and that it’s going to be a clean campaign.””
— Kevin Shawn Hsu, Students First! presidential candidate “”2003 A.S. Elections Watch: Candidates set for election””
March 13, 2003
“”We don’t necessarily like to do it, but it was done last year and it is unfortunately part of the elections.””
— Jeremy Paul Gallagher, Unity presidential candidate “”Slates hold space with club posters””
March 31, 2003
“”The People’s Parking Party is not going to take part in the shady practices of the political machines.””
— Bryan Barton,
People’s Parking Party presidential candidate “”Slates hold space with club posters””
March 31, 2003
“”Demonstrating the absurd by being absurd: That’s to summarize our club.””
— Phil Palisoul,
Students First! organization president “”Two grievances filed in elections””
April 3, 2003
“”I wish someone was running against me.””
— Rigo Marquez, Students First! candidate for vice president external “”Numerous candidates guaranteed victory””
April 3, 2003
“”The hedgehog: fat, hairy, sweaty and, to be quite honest, hung. Ron Jeremy is a man who has the name and face recognition (amongst other things) that few other than conventional movie stars could ever hope to receive.””
— Rinaldo Dorman, “”More than just ‘Porn,'””
April 7, 2003
“”We have to worry about parking first, and then we can worry about these other lofty goals. Parking has to come first, and then we can have some fun. I plan to entertain, and I plan to allow the people to park their cars.””
— Bryan Barton, People’s Parking Party presidential candidate “”Candidates come out swinging””
April 7, 2003
“”As Groundwork defines itself on a red poster inside the store, it is a ‘political collective’ that strives to build the ‘groundwork’ for a future ‘nonhierarchical and nonauthoritarian system of social organization.'””
— Hana Hsu, “”Deep roots in shaky ground””
April 7, 2003
“”We are dismayed that our opponents tried to get us disqualified through legal means as opposed to letting the voters decide.””
— Phil Palisoul, “”Independent Kevin Hsu acquitted of grievance””
April 10, 2003
“”Where are these people that a) give you free drugs, and b) will only be your friend if you do the free drugs that they give you? All the drug users I know would welcome a straight friend with open arms, because they need someone to drive them to In-N-Out””
— Bertrand Fan, “”Anti-drug ads are a source of entertainment””
April 17, 2003
“”You are a god, is that what you’re claiming to be?””
— Robert Forouzandeh, counsel for Konstantinos Roditis “”Students First! files appeal””
April 21, 2003
“”Saying chamomile tea is decaffeinated is like saying that Ben Affleck’s acting has deteriorated.””
— Sam Wilson, “”Caffeine dispensing like drug dealing””
April 28, 2003
“”The war is over, thousands of Iraqis have greeted us… Looks as if [actress Janeane Garofalo] owes President Bush a big apology.””
— Dustin Frelich, “”Naysayers forced to pay the price””
May 1, 2003
“”””Two billionaires and a presidential candidate visited UCSD in the past two weeks … When was the last time UC Berkeley saw the likes of Michael “”Dude, you’re getting a”” Dell, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates and Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Joe Lieberman all in the span of a few days?””
— Daniel Watts, “”Big names, crowds, problems””
June 2, 2003