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Letter to the editor


On behalf of members of the campuswide VOTE YES! campaign, I would like to thank the student body for their active support in passing the Price Center and Student Center Expansion Referendum. With a voter turnout of nearly 30 percent, we were able to show that as a student body we are not riddled by apathy and that we care about the issues that affect our campus. I especially want to thank those students who took the time to vote “”yes”” on the referendum: Thanks to your choice, student life will be affected in a positive manner in the future. With regard to those students who voted no or chose to abstain, I respect your decisions wholly. Please take solace in the guarantee that student life will improve for the better.

In the ’80s, students voted to create the Price Center in anticipation of the crowding, which was to plague our campus in the upcoming years. Without the Price Center, we would all be crammed into the Old Student Center. If you can imagine this scenario, this is why expansion of the University Centers is necessary to accommodate the additional 10,000 students who will soon arrive on our campus. Without a “”college-town”” atmosphere in La Jolla and without a frat row, students at UCSD have no other central meeting places to congregate and experience student life. This expansion is a step in the right direction to create the type of student life that many of us lament.

To quote the motto of the YES! campaign, “”Students wanted it, students created it, students vote for it.”” Thank you UCSD; your vote means a lot to all of us who worked on our campaign and will surely mean a lot to future UCSD students as well.

— Anupam Shome

Earl Warren College senior

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