Vice President Internal Jenn Pae called the first meeting of the new A.S. Council to order, following the final meeting of the 2002-03 council. Interim senators representing John Muir College, Revelle College, Thurgood Marshall College and Earl Warren College were present to fill vacant positions.
Items of Immediate Consideration
Item A
The new A.S. Council unanimously approved its current meeting time of Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.
Items D through H
The A.S. Council unanimously approved the appointments of Stephen Klass to interim vice president external, Gabe Grossman to interim commissioner of programming, Ernesto Martinez to commissioner of academic affairs and Brie Finegold to commissioner of student advocacy. All appointments are effective through May 21.
A.S. President Jeremy Gallagher
Gallagher reported that the Judicial Board advised that the A.S. Constitution does not prohibit candidates who were disqualified during the A.S. elections from applying for appointment to the same position. Gallagher said that he will be accepting applications for the unfilled positions of vice president external and commissioners of programming, academic affairs and student advocacy. Applications are due May 9 and appointments will be made eighth week.
Gallagher also reported that he will not appoint A.S. representatives to the newly created Graduate Student Association bylaws task force because it has no written charter.
Vice President Internal Jenn Pae
Pae reported that pictures for an A.S. Welcome Board to be displayed at the entrance to meetings will be taken next week.
Council Caucus
The A.S. Council discussed whether to override current Senate Chair Corrine Hart’s decision to wait until next week to hold senate chair elections for the new senate. Some council members said that they had expected to vote on the item during the items of immediate consideration segment of the meeting.
However, Pae said that the item was not included because the agenda had already been set when she received it. Interim Marshall College senator Billy Ikosipentarhos said that he felt the decision was “”politically motivated.”” Several senators stressed their desire to make this year’s senate a “”strong”” one and to decide the timing of chair elections on its own. The council suspended A.S. bylaws to hold the discussion since the meeting was “”special”” and not a regular A.S. meeting.
New Business
John Muir College sophomore senator Nam Bui submitted a proposal for the allocation of $125 from General Unallocated Funds to the All-Campus Parking Strike Force for a parking strike force demonstration scheduled for May 14.
— Compiled by Clayton Worfolk
Senior Staff Writer