So could one of you pro-war-riors who claim so vehemently to support democracy, who are so hostile toward France and other governments that opposed the invasion of Iraq, explain one thing to me? The majority of citizens in almost every nation in the world opposed our invasion of Iraq, that includes the majority of citizens in Great Britain, Spain, Italy and Australia. One would think that if you truly support the notion of democracy, your anger would be aimed at the millions of individual citizens who disagreed with you, including those in Great Britain and Spain. Simply because their government leaders choose to support President Bush, in defiance of their citizens’ wishes, should not be the basis of whether your dismay is directed at an entire country.
In a democratic society, it’s the citizens’ views that count, but perhaps you’re too used to deferring to your own government leaders, right or wrong, as your basis for decision-making.
— Paul Harris
Geisel Library Assistant Supervisor