Thursday, Jan. 10
Movie: Cinemaddicts — ‘Don’t Say a Word’
The Cinemaddicts will host a pair of screenings of the movie “”Don’t Say a Word”” in the Price Center Theater. The film, released last year, stars Michael Douglas and Brittany Murphy.
There will be a showing at 7 p.m. and another one at 10 p.m. Admission is $2. Tickets can be obtained at the Price Center Box Office.
Friday, Jan. 11
Event: Schmooze with the Jews
The Union of Jewish Students is sponsoring Schmooze with the Jews, an event to welcome back students at the beginning of the quarter.
The event will feature a live performance from Rabbinical School Dropouts. There will also be an information booth, bagels and cream cheese, as well as schmoozing.
All are invited to this free event. For more information, call (858) 534-6244.
Saturday, Jan. 12
Movie: Cinemaddicts (Movies That Rock) — ‘U2: Rattle & Hum’
The Cinemaddicts will host a screening of “”U2: Rattle & Hum”” as part of their Movies that Rock series. There will be a single showing of the movie at 8 p.m. in the Price Center Theater. Admission is $1. Tickets can be obtained at the Price Center Box Office.
Sunday, Jan. 13
Concert: Roma Nights — Johnny Love
Johnny Love will be playing a free set at Cafe Roma on Sunday night as part of Roma Nights. The event kicks off at 8 p.m. and is free to the public.