Wednesday, Oct. 31
9 a.m.: Safe Halloween
Over 100 costumed second-grade students will trick-or-treat at the Thurgood Marshall residence halls and apartments. Marshall college’s community service organization, Active Community at Thurgood, will sponsor the event. A carnival will follow. To help at the carnival or for more information, contact the Marshall Dean’s Office.
11:30 a.m.: Costume Contest
The UCSD Bookstore will sponsor the UCSD Halloween Costume Contest in the Price Center. Staff, faculty and students are invited to dress up and compete. Prizes will be awarded at 12:15 p.m. Admission is free. For more information call (858) 534-6444.
12:30 p.m.: Pumpkin Drop
The Muir Residents Council is sponsoring the 26th annual Pumpkin Drop. Chuck, a 155-pound pumpkin filled with candy and donated by Becky Bevell of Bodacious Pumpkins of Fallbrook, Calif., will be dropped off the top of the 11-story Tioga Hall.
3:30 p.m.: SD Center for Children Carnival
The Muir Community Service Committee is volunteering at the San Diego Center for its Children’s Halloween Carnival. The event will last from 3:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Those interested should e-mail Meghan Clark at [email protected].
7 p.m.: Teeny-Tiny Pit Orchestra
Spooky silent movies will be shown in the Seuss Room of Geisel Library, complete with the live Teeny-Tiny Pit Orchestra for Silent Films. Viewers will be asked to assist with sound effects. The hourlong feature film of Robert Louis Stevenson’s tale of “”Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde”” will be shown at 9 p.m. Admission is free. For more information call (858) 534-8074.
7 p.m.: Halloween Fun
John Muir College is holding a costume contest and an all-campus scavenger hunt with prizes in the Muir Quad. Pizza, ice cream and pumpkin pie will be available. The festivities will last until 9 p.m.
8 p.m.: Haunted House/Dance
Revelle College is hosting a Haunted House/Boo-tylicious Dance at Why Not Here? and Plaza Cafe. Students are encouraged to wear their best costumes and celebrate the holiday. For more information contact the Revelle Dean’s Office.