How dare you condemn The Koala for potentially “”becoming a platform for racism at UCSD””! On the very same page of that story (Opinion, Oct. 4), you ran a cartoon with a father suggesting to his son to solve a problem with a school bully by taking a gun to school. The father informs the son, “”Cuz when you get caught up in the moment, the words just won’t come out.””
From your lofty pulpit of morality and virtue you champion the cause of racism but choose to promote the use of violence, not just violence but potentially capital violence to solve problems with school bullies.
Am I mistaken or is the Guardian promoting gun-toting vigilante justice in our schools? I was shocked and appalled that such a quick-to-judge publication would support such a cause; a cause that has deeply affected this country in recent years and in my humble opinion demands serious attention.
As I sat there dismayed, I began recounting all the tragic shootings at our schools and realized I was deeply offended and confused. But suddenly I had an epiphany.
I realized that I cannot take everything I read or see seriously. That although the Guardian is willing to print such disgustingly and blatantly offensive cartoons that is its right. If it chooses to (and obviously so) support violence in our schools and be labeled by that choice, that is its right, that is any American’s right. I salute the Guardian for taking such a socially dangerous stand. But that does not mean I or any one else must agree with it.
So I would like to warn Mr. Liddle or any other member of The Koala — beware of pissing off the Guardian. It may be packing serious heat and as we have seen in their drab and ridiculously mundane paper, sometimes words don’t work for it.
–Jordan Cross
ERC second year