What is your best memory from childhood?
“”Probably just spending time with my family and going on family outings.””
What is your greatest regret?
“”Not getting really involved in high school until my senior year. I wasn’t bold enough to get involved and make new friends.””
What is your favorite city in the world?
“”Santa Cruz, because that is where I grew up.””
How do you handle stress?
“”I pray about it.””
Who is your hero?
“”My mom, because she supports me and always has time to listen to me.””
What is the most important political issue today?
“”Well, after the whole terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, I would have to say national security and world peace.””
How did you choose what you’re studying?
“”I am a computer engineering major. I enjoy taking things apart and putting them back together. Computers have always interested me and I enjoy figuring out how they work.””
What improvements do you feel UCSD needs to make?
“”Parking — more parking!””
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
“”I would like to be in a professional field and get a master’s degree. I hope to do software development or something in the computer industry.””
How do you want to be remembered?
“”That I was a witness of my faith in Jesus Christ through what I did and said, and how I treated other people.””