The views expressed in this section represent a majority vote of the editorial board. The editorial board consists of Vincent Gragnani, Editor in Chief; Bill Burger and Alison Norris, Managing Editors; Jeffey White, Copy Editor; Tom Vu, Opinion Editor; Lauren I. Coartney, News Editor and Robert Fulton, Sports Editor. The endorsements are not necessarily those of the UC Board of Regents, the ASUCSD, nor the entire Guardian staff.
San Diego Mayor: Dick Murphy
The Guardian endorses Judge Dick Murphy for San Diego mayor. His environmental record, plans for traffic management and overall vision for San Diego makes him the most qualified candidate.
He has laid out a specific traffic plan combining wider freeways with an expanded mass transit system.
Murphy’s opponent, County Supervisor Ron Roberts, has ideas similar to Murphy’s. However, he is a career politician, and we feel San Diego needs someone with a clear vision for San Diego that extends beyond the next election.
California State Senate: Dede Alpert
The Guardian believes State Sen. Dede Alpert, a proponent of education and transportation solutions while in the State Senate, deserves to be re-elected.
As senator, Alpert has helped to develop a new Master Plan of Education framework. She also fought for lower electricity rates in San Diego over the summer.
We believe that her opponent, Judge Larry Stirling, does not have the wide-ranging vision for our city and state that Alpert has. We therefore endorse Dede Alpert for the 39th district of the State Senate.
California State Assembly: Christine Kehoe
The Guardian endorses City Councilwoman Christine Kehoe for State Assembly. Kehoe has a strong educational and environmental record, and supports a variety of solutions to our traffic problems, including increased mass transit. Kehoe is also a strong proponent of gun control.
Kehoe’s opponent, Michele Nash-Hoff, has very specific plans, but the Guardian feels the issues Kehoe addresses are more crucial to San Diegans, and endorse Kehoe for the 76th district of the State Assembly.