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A.S. Meeting #23 — March 2, 2005

Public Input

Student Affirmative Action Committee Chair Emily Leach told the council that the campus climate at UCSD fosters racism. According to Leach, the council’s most recent actions surrounding the issue of pornography on Student-Run Television perpetuate the suppression of racial minorities on campus. She also told the councilmembers that SAAC will be holding a Speak-Out on Library Walk from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. on March 4 in order to provide a forum for students who feel isolated on campus.

Special Presentations

Chelsea Welch, station manager of SRTV, and Earl Warren College Freshman Senator Daniel Palay told the council that the broadcast of pornography by “Koala TV” did not meet the standards of obscenity set down by Miller v. California and therefore did not violate the SRTV charter, which was approved by the Associated Students.

Items of Immediate Consideration

Item A

The council approved the sections of the Food Co-op Space Agreement that dealt with the oversight role of the A.S. Council. With the signing of the agreement, the development of the space in the expanded Price Center will begin.

Item B

The council approved a resolution denouncing the broadcast of indecent materials on SRTV. The resolution affirmed the council’s commitment to student enrichment and open expression but found that the broadcast was distasteful. The council said that it had a duty to protect its services from possible legal action and therefore called on SRTV to suspend “Koala TV” and similar programs at least temporarily. The resolution was unanimously approved by a vote of 19-0-0.

Old Business

Item A

The council passed a resolution opposing the restriction of cigarette sales on campus. Members spoke about the health problems inherent with smoking but decided that the issue of free trade outweighed the possible decrease of student smoking. The resolution was passed by a vote of 13-1-0.

Item F

The council postponed legislation that would create a formal grievance process for students who are unsatisfied with the services offered by Associated Students, including SRTV. The issue was formally postponed for one week, but Revelle College Senior Senator Ted McCombs, who made the motion to table, said that the issue would be postponed until the station’s manager was included in discussions.

Item G

The council discussed a referendum that, if passed by the students, would change the A.S. Council to include 12 college senators, 12 campuswide elected senators and six appointed freshman senators. The internal committee formally recommended that the council reject the referendum. Councilmembers, however, have until March 4 to vote in an open roll call.

Compiled by Patrick Allen

Senior Staff Writer

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