UCSD Gains New Health Sciences Chief
The UC Board of Regents has hired gastroenterologist and Columbia University Medical Center Chairman David Brenner, concluding the search for the new vice chancellor for health sciences and dean of the UCSD School of Medicine.
Brenner will replace former Vice Chancellor Edward W. Holmes, who left UCSD several months ago to take another position in Singapore. Brenner became a member of the UCSD School of Medicine faculty after moving to San Diego in 1985, and also served as a physician for the Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System. He has a degree from the Yale University School of Medicine and has worked in the National Institutes of Health’s genetics and biochemistry branch.
The vice chancellor will oversee the School of Medicine, UCSD Medical Center, UCSD Medical Group and Skaggs School of Pharmacy, as well as more than 125,000 patients seen by the health care system per year.
Brenner begins his new position on Feb. 1.
‘Apple-Shaped’ Women Focus of New Stress Study
UC San Francisco researchers are preparing a study to investigate whether or not a stress-reduction program will help overweight women reverse the storage of fat.
Jennifer Daubenmier and Elissa Epel will measure the amount of fat stored in 50 “”apple-shaped”” womens’ waistlines and organs – increases of which have been linked to psychological stress – to see if lower stress levels will help participants lose weight and keep it off. The study investigates the levels in healthy, overweight females who are “”emotional eaters”” – women who consume unhealthy food when feeling upset or anxious.
“”To my knowledge, this is the first controlled study of meditation-based stress reduction for weight management in healthy overweight women,”” Daubenmier said. “”Our hope is that the intervention will change their eating patterns, which may affect their weight, and the stress reduction itself may have a positive influence on their hormonal balance and distribution of body fat.””
The study’s participants will meet once a week for three months, discussing stress-management techniques and ways to help curb food cravings.
Fox to Field Student Concerns in Another Chat
Chancellor Marye Anne Fox will hold the latest installment of her online “”Chancellor’s Chat”” next week.
The talk will take place on Jan. 29 at 6 p.m. and will present students with the opportunity to ask questions and get personal feedback from the chancellor.