But if you’ve found your way here for poignant and moving tales about A.S. Council, then look no further!
Last night’s council meeting began on a melancholy note as the Student Organized Voter Access Committee’s executive director, Arshya Sharifian, announced his resignation from the organization. Sharifian is leaving after a monumental election year in which SOVAC and other student organizations registered 5,000 new voters on campus.
“I would like to thank council for its support with SOVAC over the past two years, he said. “It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve this community.”
Further public input included Marshall College Council, which visited A.S. Council and offered its eagerness to collaborate on any future projects. The director of community outreach in the A.S. Office of the President, Natascha Espiritu, passed out buttons and decals on behalf of Google’s “Free and Open” campaign, an initiative aimed at fighting global Internet censorship.
Two more speakers and a coalition from the Food Co-op transitioned the meeting into its major dilemma of the night: re-certification for campus co-ops. Speakers emphasized the friendships and communities they had formed at UCSD’s various co-ops.
UCAB sponsored the first special presentation on the “Co-op Crisis,” focusing on facts that aimed to help A.S. Council and GSA decide whether or not to re-certify the co-ops. The co-ops were granted space on the UCSD campus based on the Master Space Agreement, which outlines the conditions that the co-ops need to meet in order to retain their space. A question from a councilmember pondered whether Student Center housed anything besides the co-ops. Yep. Hello from the Guardian!
In response to UCAB’s assessment, the UCSD Campus Cooperative Union prepared its own Prezi, describing in painstaking detail the operations and purposes of each of the co-ops. Members talked about the sense of community that the co-ops created for them and their goal to create welcoming spaces for students and organizations.
Following the presentation, council voted to re-certify each of the co-ops and passed a resolution declaring its support for the co-ops.
Committee reports and outside news bring two major on-campus charitable events: Student Health Services is sponsoring a week of events dedicated to World AIDS Day, and Porter’s Pub is hosting a concert fundraiser for victims of Hurricane Sandy on Friday.
I fled from the Forum as soon as the “adj” of “adjourned” was uttered, but A.S. President Meggie Le caught up to me and officially welcomed me to the meetings. I’m looking forward to working with her and the rest of A.S. Council, and learning what’s up with all that snapping.