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NO on Proposition 8

WHAT IT WOULD DO: Change the state constitution to recognize marriage as strictly between a man and a woman, banning same-sex marriage.

Similar to Proposition 4, Proposition 8 attempts to use our state constitution as a method for denying rights. As Californians, we need to come together to ensure equality for all — and this Tuesday, that means marriage equality. Although Proposition 8 supporters claim the measure protects families, saying that if it doesn’t pass, gay marriage will be taught in elementary schools — this could not be further from the truth. Marriage rights have nothing to do with schools, and California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell has denounced the measure’s misleading advertisements.

Proposition 8’s backward ideas limit homosexual, monogamous adults from enjoying the same rights as their heterosexual peers. Supporters argue that gays are already allowed civil unions, which grant them many of the same privileges of marriage. They say that marriage has always been between a man and a woman, and therefore it should stay that way. But until 1865 blacks were always regarded as property, kept as slaves because of their skin color. Until 1920 women were always excluded from the political process, denied the right to vote. Separate but equal does not work. America is plagued by a history of irrational prejudice, but we also have a history of taking great strides to overcome this prejudice. Now we have the opportunity to open the path for one more great stride. Vote no on Proposition 8.

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