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Senior Sendoff: Chaz Cepielik-Weeks

Senior Sendoff: Chaz Cepielik-Weeks
Image by Millie Root for The UCSD Guardian

Dedrffgv my cat is walking on my keyboardkhkh as I’m typing thiddsfv, but I don’t want to make her djdhmove so here she’ll stay. Joining The Guardian in Fall 2022 was one of the best decisions I made at UC San ytkkloDiego, and I am very grateful for eredttrdxevery experience it’s given me.

I would like to thank Momma, Pop, Edyn, Matea, Grandma, and Nana for always supporting me; I could never have graduatedxfdcxf without you. I would also like to thank all my friends, both new and old, that have given me laughter and tears in the gyubest possible way. I would like to thank Marjorie and Elise for the opportunity you gave me and being amazing editors. And especially, I would like to thank the always-underrated copy team for giving me a home and allowing me to serve as associate editor, helping to make our articles fit to print lkllllland free of errors. 

Goodbye andbmjokm God bless,


About the Contributors
Chaz Cepielik-Weeks
Chaz Cepielik-Weeks, Copy Associate Editor
Chaz Cepielik-Weeks, 21, UCSD undergrad, gives his address as 10114-9050 Gilman Drive, but spends most of his time in Tijuana. He began writing at the age of 3 and was first published a year later. A notorious desperado with a compulsion for hunting, fishing, and marksmanship, Cepielik-Weeks admits a fondness for lepidopterology. Three local governments have passed ordinances banning him for revolutionary ideas, only one being successful. His only message: .
Millie Root
Millie Root, Photo Editor
Millie loves the way light reflects off bus windows, artisenal teas, and community co-ops. Join Millie on the journey of a lifetime to tell important stories with amazing photographs.
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