Tritons Dominate Mustangs in Series Opener

Tritons Dominate Mustangs in Series Opener
Image by Keita Kobayashi for The UCSD Guardian

UC San Diego’s sophomore pitcher Anthony Eyanson pitched a complete game, giving up just one run on four hits, as the Tritons (29-22, 16-12 Big West) cruised to a 4-1 victory over the Cal Poly Mustangs (32-20, 17-8 Big West) on Friday night. It was the first of 3 games in their series against the Mustangs.


This highly anticipated game featured the aces for both Big West contenders. Eyanson entered the game with 5 wins and 2 losses on the year, while Cal Poly’s starting pitcher had 9 wins to go along with just one loss. Scouts could be seen with radar guns during the game. This was also the final regular season series for the Tritons, setting the stage for an exciting Friday evening at the Triton Ballpark.


Eyanson looked strong out of the gate, not giving up a hit through four innings. Cal Poly, on the other hand, couldn’t buy a strike. In that same 4-inning stretch, Cal Poly walked 6 Tritons, giving UCSD plenty of opportunities to score. Thanks to strong base running and 2 fielding errors by the Mustangs, the Tritons were able to take advantage. Highlighted by an errant pass to second on a steal attempt, leading to an easy run for senior outfielder Brock Kleszcz, the Tritons jumped out to an early 4-0 lead.


Eyanson gave up his first hit in the top of the fifth: a leadoff double. The Tritons were able to limit the damage to just one run, but a Cal Poly pitching change thwarted the Triton offense. After another hit and a wild pitch, Cal Poly suddenly had a runner on third and momentum on their side.


But the Triton defense locked in again, and they were able to close out the inning with a groundout to first. While Cal Poly got another leadoff double in the seventh, Eyanson and company made quick work of the next 3 batters, keeping the score at 4-1. Cal Poly failed to get on base the rest of the game, and with the Triton fans in attendance on their feet, Eyanson retired the final batter of the game for his first complete game as a Triton.


After the game, the Triton bullpen greeted Eyanson on the mound to celebrate what was perhaps his best game of the year. Not only did he pitch all 9 innings, but he also added 7 strikeouts — one shy of his career-high — and had only one walk. His 1.00 ERA yesterday dropped his season ERA back down to just over 3.


The Tritons can move up to as high as third place in the Big West standings should they carry their momentum into the weekend. Cal Poly, meanwhile, still had an outside chance to win the Big West if they beat the Tritons in both games over the weekend. However, UCSD took a 12-7 win on Saturday night, thwarting the Mustangs’ title hopes. While not quite the magical run they had last season, the Tritons still have a lot to be proud of this season and will look to bounce back next season in their first year eligible for the NCAA tournament.

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About the Contributors
Ryan Kirton, Contributing Writer
I am a junior majoring in Psychology and Communications and I am on the swim team.
Keita Kobayashi
Keita Kobayashi, Photo Editor
Photo team, best team (W.I.P)
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