Good fellows, I greet you at the advent of a great experiment. For the remainder of the quarter, I will attempt to provide you with spiritual and divine guidance, drawn not from the stars, but from the ancient Chinese oracle, the I-Ching. I undertake this endeavor with the humblest reverence for Fu Hsi, its creator, and respect for all the interpreters after him, and with sincerest hopes that my labors may be of benefit to you.
If you wish to delve further into the oracle than I am able to do here, there are several good volumes available at the Geisel Library, and numerous online resources. Feel free to contact me at [email protected] for guidance, or with any question I can ask the oracle for you.
For this sixth week of UCSD spring quarter, beginning May 6, I make my inquiry with concerns from you.
Zopyra, I keep hearing bad news about Sun God. What’s it going to be like this year?
I asked the Oracle: What can we expect from the Sun God Celebrations?
The judgment: Hexagram 2, The Receptive: “”The greatest possible success, sublime success, is obtainable if you are willing to follow good counsel.”” Wu Wei
I infer: The best course of action is to join with friends of like mind with regard to festivities of this sort. The best course of thought is to remember that, however humble, the whole of the festival is an offering for your enjoyment. It costs little to partake and will reward in great measure those that receive it without too much expectation. Avoid arrogance and arrogant leaders.
For those inclined to doubt, I will say that this reading of Pure Yin is exceedingly rare and extremely positive for those with virtuous goals or minimal ambition. It bodes very well for all who are willing to enjoy this year’s Sun God Festival on the face of its own merits, without resort to wishful thinking.
Zopyra, I voted in the A.S. election, and I know some people who won, but what actually happens next?
I asked the Oracle: How can students best contribute to the transition in A.S. government?
The judgment: Hexagram 7, Collective Forces: “”When a large group of people is brought together, whether by design or incident, achieving success and good fortune requires a strong leader and strict discipline. This is true of an army, a social or political organization, a public or private gathering, even a mob. For the mass to be effective, its members must be controlled, for then they can act in concert. The leader gains control by providing clear-cut, worthy goals to which individuals can dedicate themselves, thereby awakening the group’s enthusiasm. If the leader is not the ultimate authority, those in the position of ultimate authority must give the leader their full confidence, total authority to act in their behalf and complete support.”” Wu Wei
I feel this needs little embellishment on my part. I offer it as relevant to all involved. Administrators may choose to read themselves as the ultimate authority and Jeff Dodge and the A.S. Council as the leader. All new councilmembers may read themselves as leader or follower. There seems to be a clear relationship between this judgment’s call for concerted action and the sweeping victory of the Unity slate.
Zopyra, it’s spring and I want this girl, but don’t know if I should make a move or not. I definitely want a relationship, but it seems like there’s not much time left for that this year.
I asked the Oracle: What can people expect if they pursue the initiation of a romantic relationship this late in the academic year?
The judgment: Hexagram 15, Modesty, with old yin in line 5 and old yang in line 3, which cause movement to hexagram 8, Holding Together: “”Things are easy for the modest person.”” Richard Wilhelm. “”It is difficult to maintain modesty in the face of acclaim. Modesty, however, is essential to your continued success.”” Wu Wei, line 3. “”An aggressive action could, in fact, be consistent with humbleness if the inner self remains modest.”” Wu Jing-Nuan, line 5.
I find joyful, favorable results from pursuing closeness at this time. There are limits to all actions, but only arrogance is afraid of limitation.
Let circumstances reduce your expectations but not your actions. All the judgments favor the involvement of groups, be they neighbors or friends. Constancy, perseverance and other qualities that lend themselves to durability in relationships hold the key to your decision. If you have these within yourself, proceed immediately and you can only advance.
This moving judgment arrives finally at hexagram 8, interpreted by Richard Wilhelm as follows: “”Holding together brings good fortune. Inquire of the oracle once again whether you possess sublimity, constancy and perseverance; then there is no blame. Those who are uncertain gradually join. Whoever comes too late meets with misfortune.”” The oracle clearly urges both participation and reflection. Discard any idle infatuation. Contemplate only relationships you are ready to involve yourself with, and then do so.