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A.S. Council at a Glance

Special Presentations

Brailsford and Dunlavey, the facility planning and project management firm that conducted research for the University Center Expansion Task Force, reported its survey findings regarding Price Center expansion to the A.S. Council. Jeff Turner, a representative from the firm, reported that students showed interest in adding space for student organizations, late-night food service, retail, study areas and increased seating. Turner also recommended that the student fee required for the expansion not take effect until the buildings open in 2007.

Items of Immediate Consideration

Item E

The A.S. Council approved by a vote of 13-0-3 an amendment to A.S. election bylaws that requires candidates to submit their candidate statement via by “”9 p.m. on the final day of filing to be considered eligible.””


A.S. Council President Jenn Brown

Brown reported that there will be a silent Classification of Race, Ethnicity, and National Origin protest Feb. 28 at 11 a.m. in front of Geisel Library.

Commissioner of Services and Enterprises Jeremy Gallagher

Gallagher reported that he felt the University Center Advisory Board decision to place a food co-op satellite in the renovated game room was “”rushed.””

Eleanor Roosevelt College Freshman Senator Max Harrington

Harrington announced that the A.S. Voting Systems Task Force garnered just under 100 responses during its Feb. 21 mock election on Library Walk.

UCAB Chair James Lynch

Lynch announced that he felt the UCAB decision to go with a food co-op satellite was well thought-out and not rushed.

Elections Manager Robin Shelton

Shelton reported that he has already noticed “”that certain election bylaws have been broken.”” However, he noted that it is outside of the elections committee’s jurisdiction at the moment, since the elections period has not begun.

Old Business

Item F

The A.S. Council approved by a vote of 9-0-1 the UCETF recommendation to hold a fee referendum this academic year. The recommendation suggests that the referendum be voted on during seventh week of spring quarter “”in conjunction with the Sun God Festival.””

Item G

The A.S. Council allocated $548 from the general unallocated fund to an All-Campus Transfer Association Concert.

Item R

The A.S. Council allocated $5,000 from the All-Campus Level Programming fund to the Muir Musical on April 12.

— Compiled by Clayton Worfolk

Senior Staff Writer

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