The University Centers Advisory Board discussed a proposal for additional 24-hour study facilities on campus at its Nov. 17 meeting.
A.S. Commissioner of Academic Affairs Todd Tolin presented his proposal to UCAB board members in hopes of opening additional study facilities such as the Price Center food court for 24 hours during finals week.
“”With CLICS being so successful and full to total capacity, it can’t accommodate students who want to use it,”” Tolin said. “”What I really want to see is the Price Center food court to possibly be open, in addition to the [Price Center]Cove.””
Currently, CLICS and limited space in the Sun God Lounge and Price Center Gallery are the only 24-hour study facilities available for students during the week of finals. Since the crowds at these locations are heightened during finals, Tolin said that there should be more options for students to turn to when they need to study.
“”From personal experience, study areas definitely get crowded up,”” UCAB Chair Justin Williams said. “”I can only imagine that it must get even more impacted during finals week. Students would want an alternative place to study.””
John Muir College junior Kinneri Shah agreed.
“”There should be more study areas because it gets so crowded,”” Shah said.
Will Parnell, an evening manager for CLICS, said that its location in Revelle is not ideal for study options late at night.
“”There needs to be more places for students to go,”” Parnell said. “”Something more central, closer to Price Center, and bigger.””
However, there are certain issues to be tackled if additional study lounges are to be opened. Director of University Centers Gary Ratcliff said that if the Price Center food court were altered to become a 24-hour study area during finals, additional “”graveyard shifts”” for custodial and security service at the food court would be necessary.
“”The board is behind the idea, [but] there [are] maintenance of space and security issues so that students have a safe environment as well,”” Williams said.
Ratcliff said that the presence of a community service officer is necessary at a facility that is open all night.
“”Just in case there isn’t a good turnout, you want to be sure that kids who are there until 2 a.m. will be safe,”” Ratcliff said.
The proposal is currently in the discussion stage until further student feedback can be considered.
“”We don’t exactly know what the demand is yet,”” Williams said. “”A.S. will be doing surveys about what other places [students] want to study in.””
In addition to conducting an online poll, Tolin is currently working on a comprehensive list in order to figure out what kind of study options students want.
“”The more people who vote and say what they want to see, the more likely it will happen,”” Tolin said.
Tolin’s proposal addresses study facility requests for students for the near future, but in the long run students will eventually have access to a new 24-hour lounge that will be built into Price Center as construction of its expansion progresses in the next several years.
“”Twenty-four-hour lounge spaces … [were] highly requested by students in previous years,”” Williams said. “”We also got requests for 24-hour food services as a top priority.””
Ratcliff said that along with the lounge, a computer lounge, a kitchen for commuters, lockers, group study rooms and a late-night restaurant are in the agenda.
“”Students keep really late hours compared to their predecessors, which is why the expansion plan called for the 24-hour space,”” Ratcliff said. “”The message came clear from surveys.””
Other topics discussed at the UCAB meeting include the renovated game room located on the second floor of Price Center, which opened to the public on Nov. 17 and features newly painted walls and seven new pool tables.
Adjacent to the game room will be a new Japanese restaurant that will have a sushi bar and dining area. There will also be a new food co-op area within the interior of the game room and restaurant. According to Ratcliff, both should be open to the public by January 2004.