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A.S. Council at a Glance

Meeting #1

May 5, 2004

Public Input

Kirsten Bowen, a student intern for the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Diversity Leadership Institute, announced that the group will be holding a symposium on May 11 from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Eleanor Roosevelt College’s Great Hall. The institute is a year-long program where undergraduates attend weekly seminars to talk about leadership, diversity and social justice. During the symposium, institute members will present their projects, which vary from art projects to creating new student organizations.

Items of Immediate Consideration

Item C

The council approved amendments to the ASUCSD Ad Hoc Task Force to Compare and Evaluate Marriage and Domestic Partnerships. The item allows the task force to present its evaluation and research on current policies regarding marriage and domestic partners benefits by ninth week of Spring Quarter 2004 instead of the previous deadline of seventh week. The item also allows for recommendations for action on the issue to be presented to the A.S. Council by ninth week.


Commissioner of Academics Affairs Caroline Song

Song announced that applications for positions in the academic affairs office will be available online on the A.S. Web site starting May 7. Applications are due on May 21.

Student Affirmative Action Committee Daniel Gonzales

Gonzales announced that Kaibigang Pilipino will be holding its annual Pilipino Cultural Celebration on May 7 and May 8. The show starts at 7 p.m. and tickets are available at the event or reservations can be made by emailing [email protected].

Council Caucus

The council discussed the possibility of an extension of the A.S. boycott of UCSD Guardian instated by former A.S. President Jeremy Paul Gallagher. The boycott would include withholding A.S. advertisements from the publication for a week and a half starting on eighth week. Outgoing Student Affirmative Action Committee Chair Persee Hooper said that the Guardian supported hate speech by including pages of the Koala into its March 29 issue. Hooper said that a boycott would show support for students who have been affected by the publication’s actions. Commissioner of Student Advocacy Jeff Boyd said that the boycott would hurt the wrong people and it would ultimately stop Associated Students from advertising for current open positions for its offices. Thurgood Marshall College Junior Senator Kate Pillon said that if Associated Students wants to make a stand, students should know about it first. Pillon said that Associated Students should consider doing something in addition to a boycott to inform students about the council’s action.

Old Business

Item D and E

The council approved the allocation of $400 from Student Organizations Conference Travel Unallocated to the College Review for Freedom Fest to be held on May 13 through May 15. The council also approved the allocation of $400 from the same account to the College Republicans at UCSD for the same event. Both items initially failed to be pulled from committee because of missing paperwork from the organizations. The item passed after John Muir College Interim Freshman Senator Nam Bui suggested passing the item knowing that A.S. President Jenn Pae has the ability to veto the legislation by May 7 if the paperwork is not recovered or resubmitted.


John Muir College Senior Senator Jeremy Cogan

Cogan announced that the Grove Caffe is now accepting meal points.

Earl Warren College Junior Senator Josh Martino

Martino announced that Earl Warren College will be holding a retirement party for Provost David Jordan on June 4 from 12-2 p.m. at the Warren College Student Activities Center.

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